square / okhttp

Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.

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Request builder creates a request with an invalid URL if the host contains the ellipsis character (…)

oakkitten opened this issue · comments

I hope I don't need to create a test case since the issue is very simple. This throws IllegalArgumentException, as it should:

 new Request.Builder().url("http://.../");

while this doesn't:

new Request.Builder().url("http://…/");

and the following expression is true:

new Request.Builder().url("http://…/").url.toString().equals("http://.../")

OkHttp seems to be right to convert to ..., but I think request builder should throw an exception if passed an invalid URL such as "http://…/", as the resulting request can lead to a dispatcher crash later on.