square / in-app-payments-ios

Public repository that hosts the Square In-App Payments SDK iOS binaries

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Catalyst Support

sincaleb opened this issue · comments


When building for Mac Catalyst using the framework installed via CocoaPods I get this error: building for Mac Catalyst, but linking in dylib built for iOS Simulator. I'm assuming this is because there isn't a build for catalyst included. Is it possible to include one, or do I need to do something else to target the correct framework?

Thanks for reporting. I'll pass this feedback to our iOS team, but I don't believe we have Catalyst support at this time.

I would be interested in this feature.

Not that it's necessarily indicative of being able to function in production, but I would like to point out that the library works in the x86 simulator, which is a strong sign it can fairly easily support x86 Catalyst. For an example of a major 3rd party library done well, Firebase is a good reference point.