sqlfluff / sqlfluff

A modular SQL linter and auto-formatter with support for multiple dialects and templated code.

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MySQL: error in parsing CALL statement

dudukakz opened this issue Β· comments

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What Happened

SQLFluff doesn't take into account that routines may be called in the db.routine form https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/create-procedure.html . Error occurs while testing CALL db.routine(); SQL requests. Example below.

Expected Behaviour

Successful parsing.

Observed Behaviour

Linter throws an exception.

How to reproduce

$ cat test.sql 
CALL testfunc(123);
CALL testdb.testfunc(123);
$ sqlfluff lint --dialect mysql test.sql
== [test.sql] FAIL                                                                                                                                                                                          
L:   2 | P:   1 |  PRS | Line 2, Position 1: Found unparsable section: 'CALL
                       | testdb.testfunc(123);'
WARNING: Parsing errors found and dialect is set to 'mysql'. Have you configured your dialect correctly?
All Finished πŸ“œ πŸŽ‰!

as you can see, the first line is fine, the second one is considered invalid. Escaping with ticks has no effect.




$sqlfluff --version
sqlfluff, version 3.0.3
$ python3 --version
Python 3.10.12


no additional config

Are you willing to work on and submit a PR to address the issue?

  • Yes I am willing to submit a PR!

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