sqlfluff / sqlfluff

A modular SQL linter and auto-formatter with support for multiple dialects and templated code.

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BigQuery - Found unparsable section

SallyBlichG opened this issue · comments

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What Happened

I ran the sqlfluff tool over an SQL file, using the BigQuery dialect, and encountered the following exception

== [dir/dir2/file.sql] FAIL
L:  9 | P:   3 |  PRS | Line 9, Position 3: Found unparsable section: 'execute
                       | immediate(select format(var_2...'
WARNING: Parsing errors found and dialect is set to 'bigquery'. Have you configured your dialect correctly?

Expected Behaviour

The query is fine, so it shouldn't have failed

Observed Behaviour

Failure, with the exception above.

How to reproduce

sqlfluff lint $file --dialect bigquery --ignore templating,linting

The file:

declare var_1 string;
declare var_2 string;

set var_1 = 'insert into project.data_set.table select "%s" as var_1, count(*) as column_1 from (select column_3 from %s.column_2 group by var_3 having count(var_3) > 1)';

create or replace table project.data_set.table(var_1 string, column_1 int64) 
options (expiration_timestamp=timestamp_add(current_timestamp(), interval 3 hour));

for m in (select var_1 from project.data_set.table) do
  set var_1 = m[0];
  execute immediate(select format(var_2, var_1, var_1));
end for;




Sqlfluff version: sqlfluff 2.3.5
Python version: Python 3.10.12


No configuration

Are you willing to work on and submit a PR to address the issue?

  • Yes I am willing to submit a PR!

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