sqlectron / sqlectron-core

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Follow operating system config location standards

Siilwyn opened this issue · comments

It would be great if this module followed the XDG Base Directory Specification. Instead of placing the configuration file in the home directory it should be placed in the appropriate directory. Getting the correct directory is easy with a module like env-paths. This, among other things, allows a user to specify a directory in which they want all applications to look for their user configurable setting files and keep their home directory clean.

This issue already exists on sqlectron/sqlectron-gui#327. But nobody couldn't work on that yet. I may have some free time this weekend. Lets see 🤞

Whoops didn't see that one, I assume the implementation is in core since the CLI has the same behaviour right?
Either way your reply there sounds good! The only thing I would advice is to use the env-paths module to handle getting the correct path. I've migrated the cache and/or data location of a few modules so far and using this module simplifies the implementation a lot.

Oh wow that was blazing fast! ⚡️ Much appreciated!