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Can't decode ill-formed UTF-8 octet sequence when using --set argument

joaostorrer opened this issue · comments

Sqitch is failing whenever I set a variable with a value that contains an accent:

root@d975b89f1c63:/repo# sqitch deploy flipr_test --set var="ãçê"
Deploying changes to flipr_test
  + bla_heg ......... not ok
Can't decode ill-formed UTF-8 octet sequence <E3> at end of file at /bin/../lib/perl5/App/Sqitch.pm line 480.

Deploy failed

The same happens with revert and rebase commands.

I tried setting LC_ALL & LANG envs to pt_BR.UTF-8, but the error continues.

root@d975b89f1c63:/repo# sqitch --version
sqitch (App::Sqitch) v1.4.0
root@d975b89f1c63:/repo# perl -v

This is perl 5, version 32, subversion 1 (v5.32.1) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
(with 47 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

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Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
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Hrm. That's coming from the spool method, which spools output from the database CLI. Which RDBMS are you using? I wonder if it's not properly emitting UTF-8 for some reason.

I'm using PostgreSQL.

Is your database using UTF-8 encoding? Check client_encoding.

Sorry, actually Postgres works fine, the problem is with Oracle database.
My deploy consists in deploying to Postgres and Oracle, so i got confused.

My Oracle database is configured with WE8MSWIN1252 charset:

SQL> select *
  2  from   nls_database_parameters
  4  order  by 1;
PARAMETER                                                                        VALUE
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
NLS_CHARACTERSET                                                                 WE8MSWIN1252
NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE                                                                AMERICAN
NLS_ISO_CURRENCY                                                                 AMERICA
NLS_LANGUAGE                                                                     AMERICAN
NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET                                                           AL16UTF16
NLS_TERRITORY                                                                    AMERICA
7 rows selected

But when I define the Sql*Plus variable with the same value it works fine:

SQL> define test = "ãçê"
SQL> define
DEFINE _DATE            = "17/01/2024" (CHAR)
DEFINE _O_VERSION       = "Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release " (CHAR)
DEFINE _O_RELEASE       = "000000000" (CHAR)
DEFINE test             = "ãçê" (CHAR)
SQL> select '&test' from dual;

Sqitch requires everything to be UTF-8, and it sets up the Oracle connection for that:

# We tell the Oracle connector which encoding to use. The last part of the
# environment variable NLS_LANG is relevant concerning data encoding.
# Disable SQLPATH so that no start scripts run.

So be sure that the contents of the variable are UTF-8 and not CP1252.

I tried a few things to guarantee the variable is in UTF-8:

root@18d3f3eb022a:/repo# sqitch deploy flipr_test --set var="$(echo "ãçê")"
Deploying changes to flipr_test
  + appschema ................. not ok
Can't decode ill-formed UTF-8 octet sequence <E3> at end of file at /bin/../lib/perl5/App/Sqitch.pm line 480.

Deploy failed
root@18d3f3eb022a:/repo# sqitch deploy flipr_test --set var="$(echo "ãçê" | iconv -t UTF-8)"
Deploying changes to flipr_test
  + appschema ................. not ok
Can't decode ill-formed UTF-8 octet sequence <E3> at end of file at /bin/../lib/perl5/App/Sqitch.pm line 480.

Deploy failed
root@18d3f3eb022a:/repo# echo "ãçê" | file -
/dev/stdin: UTF-8 Unicode text
root@18d3f3eb022a:/repo# echo -n "ãçê" | file -
/dev/stdin: UTF-8 Unicode text, with no line terminators

I also tested deploying in another Oracle Database that is configured with NLS_CHARACTERSET AL32UTF8, but I got the same error message.

I think the problem is not the text read from the command-line, but text returned from SQLPlus. If it doesn't emit UTF-8 then Sqitch will have trouble reading it. Could SQLPlus be ignoring OUTPUT_CHARSET?

Try this patch:

--- a/lib/App/Sqitch.pm
+++ b/lib/App/Sqitch.pm
@@ -472,6 +472,7 @@ sub spool {
     local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die 'spooler pipe broke' };
+    binmode $fh, ':raw';
     if (ref $fh eq 'ARRAY') {
         for my $h (@{ $fh }) {
             print $pipe $_ while <$h>;

It should treat the data read from SQL*Plus as raw bytes, rather than try to decode them as UTF-8. Will be interesting to see what it emits.

Yes, the patch works because it's not decoding the output from SQLPlus into UTF-8. Which means SQLPlus is not emitting UTF-8. Clearly there's some additional configuration we need to make to get it to do so.

Sure seems like setting NLS_LANG should work.

I tried setting NLS_LANG to different values like BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE_BRAZIL.UTF8, PORTUGUESE_BRAZIL.UTF8, AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8 and AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8, but they all failed with Can't decode ill-formed...

Yeah, Sqitch sets NLS_LANG, so anything you set it to doesn't work. Unless you tried setting it in the source?

# We tell the Oracle connector which encoding to use. The last part of the
# environment variable NLS_LANG is relevant concerning data encoding.
# Disable SQLPATH so that no start scripts run.

If I set to BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE_BRAZIL.UTF8 or PORTUGUESE_BRAZIL.UTF8 in the source I get the same error.

For some reason SQL*Plus is returning non-UTF-8 bytes. I do not understand why and don't have the resources to investigate. Maybe it's worth asking on Stack Overflow or an Oracle forum?

The key thing is to get SQL*Plus to emit only UTF-8 bytes. Though honestly I have no idea what it thinks it's emitting. Your change name is ASCII, so should be fine. When you tried the patch a few weeks ago, you said it worked; what, exactly, did it emit? Very curious to know what it might be choking on.

I inserted the content of var into a table to get what it emit with the patch applied.
The column was inserted with que upside down question mark (¿).
As far as I know, this only indicates that the database tried to inserted a character that is not recognized by SQL*Plus.

Is the deploy script you wrote UTF-8 encoded?

Yes, all the .sql scripts inside my project are UTF-8 (without BOM) encoded and Windows (CR LF).