sq / JSIL

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Build Error

Thejuster opened this issue · comments

Error exit to command ".bin\npm" install --loglevel error" whit code 1. JSIL.Libraries

I have follow the tutorial step by step.
How to fix this issue?

Please open Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt, change directory to JSIL dir.
Than use command: msbuild JSIL.Libraries\JSIL.Libraries.csproj /p:Configuration=Debug
Please provide build log to solve issue.

You may use output redirection to get full log:
msbuild JSIL.Libraries\JSIL.Libraries.csproj /p:Configuration=Debug > log.txt
If there will be any additional console output, please post it here also.

Hi iskiselv i have try your solution:

i use:
Windows 7 ( x86 )
i have visual studio 2008 / 2010 / 2015 Community
And i have try whit 2015 and 2010 same error


NodeJs path is ".bin"

Run Npm:
".bin\npm" install --loglevel error

The version of C:\Program Files\Git\JSIL\packages\Node.js.5.3.0\node.exe is incompatibile whit this windows version in execution. Verify the system information and if are necessary x86 (32 bit) version or x64 (64 bit)

I Attacch screenshoot but sorry im italian.
The console show result on italian.


@Thejuster, are you using x86 OS?
Looks like we use x64 version of Node.JS.
You still have workaround: install 32-bit version of Node.Js from https://nodejs.org/en/download/. After it, open JSIL.Libraries.bin\node.cmd and change string last line, so that it target your Node.JS path. It should be something like: "C:\Program Files\Node.Js\bin\node.exe" %*.

@kg, what do you think, should we spend time and replace node with x86 version? I really don't like this idea. Probably it better to spend time for creating official NuGet package with binary pre-compiled version.

Tanks iskiselev now build Work without erorr. really tanks

@iskiselev I think is important for all user download the project for same plattform.
x86 or x64. type me. I'm finding problems whit x86.
Pre-compiled binary is a good idea.
I hope whit JSIL can port my engine on web.

On question, i want to port my xna game. is build on x86.
i have some problem or whit new node.js x86 work?

Last updates:
All work fine but i have a one error
dont know this.

Uncaught Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException: The asset 'data/se/accept' is not in the asset manifest.

else if i create an empty game, it's work perfect but
i see this warning: Loading data ... failed.

for wath this error?

and for wath JSIL not create MyProjectContent.contentproj.manifest?
my compilation miss this file