sq / JSIL

CIL to Javascript Compiler

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thelazydogsback opened this issue · comments

dynamic e = new ExpandoObject();
in tryJsil produces the following:

Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'ExpandoObject' of undefined

Also, what type can I use on the C# side for dynamic objects such that the usage is completely erased by the compiler in favor of using native objects on the JS side?

For example, I'd want:

dynamic obj1 = new ExpandoOrWhatever()
dynamic obj2 = new ExpandoOrWhatever()
obj2.bar = 42;
obj1.foo = obj2;

to be compiled to:

obj1 = {}
obj2 = {}
obj2.bar = 42;
obj1.foo = obj1;
// obj1 = { foo: {bar: 42}}


I would suggest writing a small helper function that returns ExpandoObject in .NET and Verbatim.Expression("{}") in JS. There might actually be a simpler way to do this, but I forget. You can use Builtins.IsJavascript to do the branch, I think. The code might not be fully erased but it should work the way you want.

The above example is working well for me in VS2013, but in VS2015, I end up with a much more verbose output using System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite to invoke every operation in each expression. Searching reveals issue #531 where apparently the new Roslyn compiler creates issues with generating the concise output.

Is there a workaround or other technique to get the above result even with VS2015, or is that only available with the earlier version? Thank you in advance for your time.

With latest version of JSIL translation of this sample should use all C#-dynamic mechanics, but should work with JS.
The only way to create clear JS from C# is to use Verbatium helpers.