spy16 / fabric

Fabric is a simple triplestore written in Golang

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query interface

jaygray0919 opened this issue · comments

before looking more closely here, may i ask a question?
we have a triples file (file.nt) with multi-million items.
if we installed fabric, and loaded fabric with that file, how would we query fabric+file.nt?
for example, could we query using sparqler (http://sparql.org/sparql.html) where fabric would reveal a graph endpoint?
we are looking for a triple store that does not involve the overhead associated with apache jena/fuseki.
we would like to have the equivalent of a REST server that can be queried by a SPARQL processor (like sparqler).
we would install fabric on AWS, so the ideal configuration would be that the data in the triple store is on S3.
clearly, AWS aurora is an option, but we would like the lightest-weight solution for a release-1 implementation.
thanks in advance for advice and guidance.

Hey. Thanks for considering the project. But i have to clarify few things. Even though it is described as triple store in the descriptions it is in fact not even close to becoming one.

Fabric was built as a quick solution to some other experimental project i was working on (it was built as a separate project hoping it can become something of a triplestore eventually).
Requirements for that were very simple:

  1. Need to store triples. Just the subject->predicate->object relation in some way.

  2. Simple query interface. Few examples:

    • bob knows ? - who are Bob's acquaintances ?
    • ? knows bob - who knows Bob?
    • Bob ? Alice - what are the relations between Bob and Alice?
    • A* knows Bob - Return everyone who knows Bob and has name starting with A.

But the experimental project i was working on changed direction and i stopped working on fabric. So at this moment only similarity Fabric has with a full-fledged triple-store is that fabric has something called a triple. Even though it has a REST API for managing/querying triples and also a GraphViz based plotting, it lacks in the following:

  • SPARQL or even a subset of it is NOT supported.
  • Does not conform to any standards like RDF
  • Does not really have any specific optimizations for triples.

Sorry to disappoint you here. I would recommend you take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_triplestores for mature (and real) triple stores.