springload / wagtailmodelchoosers

A Wagtail app to pick generic models (rather than snippets or pages)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ModelChooserBlock label needs to be passed down Block init

mojeto opened this issue · comments

Setting explicit label on any RemoteModelChooserBlock doesn't work, because the value ends up on

self.label = options.pop('label', chooser)

but self.label gets overwritten in parent Block.init

Also it's mandatory for label to be set on self.meta.label as well for Wagtail block to work properly. Otherwise label value gets overwritten in https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/blob/7c3418f99e7b2c2da7ad19b2840d73099dadc6a7/wagtail/core/blocks/base.py#L104