springload / draftail

📝🍸 A configurable rich text editor built with Draft.js

Home Page:https://www.draftail.org/

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Typescript support

jkevingutierrez opened this issue · comments

Is your proposal related to a problem?

It would be good to have a .d.ts file definition to integrate this library with typescript

Describe the solution you’d like

Add a .d.ts with typescript definitions for this library

I’m now actively working on this and should have type definitions available shortly. One important point is that this may be a breaking change for a lot of people using the editor – I’m expecting the type definitions to be very precise, and as such adding them might raise type errors in people’s project where implementation usage differs from the supported API.

See my current progress below. There are a few remaining issues / refactorings of the definition I’d like to do before adding them to Draftail, and I need to review https://react-typescript-cheatsheet.netlify.app/ and make sure I follow its recommendations (particularly for interfaces vs type aliases).

declare module "draftail" {
  import {
  } from "draft-js";
  import * as React from "react";

  type BtnMetaProps = {
    /** Describes the control in the editor UI, concisely. */
    label?: string;
    /** Describes the control in the editor UI. */
    description?: string;
    /** Represents the control in the editor UI. */
    icon?: IconProp;

  type BlockType = {
    /** Unique type shared between block instances. */
    type: string;
    /** DOM element used to display the block within the editor area. */
    element?: string;
  } & BtnMetaProps;

  type InlineStyle = {
    /** Unique type shared between inline style instances. */
    type: string;
    /** CSS properties (in JS format) to apply for styling within the editor area. */
    style?: DraftStyleMap;
  } & BtnMetaProps;

  type BaseEntityType = {
    /** Unique type shared between entity instances. */
    type: string;

    /** Array of attributes the entity uses, to preserve when filtering entities on paste.
     * If undefined, all entity data is preserved.
    attributes?: string[] | null;
    /** Attribute - regex mapping, to preserve entities based on their data on paste.
     * For example, { url: '^https:' } will only preserve links that point to HTTPS URLs.
    allowlist?: Record<string, string | boolean> | null;
    /** Attribute - regex mapping, to preserve entities based on their data on paste.
     * For example, { url: '^https:' } will only preserve links that point to HTTPS URLs.
    whitelist?: Record<string, string | boolean> | null;
  } & BtnMetaProps;

  type SourceProps = {
    /** The editorState is available for arbitrary content manipulation. */
    editorState: EditorState;
    /** Takes the updated editorState, or null if there are no changes, and focuses the editor. */
    onComplete: (nextState: EditorState) => void;
    /** Closes the source, without focusing the editor again. */
    onClose: () => void;
    /** Current entity to edit, if any. */
    entityType: BaseEntityType;
    /** Current entityKey to edit, if any. */
    entityKey: string | null;
    /** Whole entityType configuration, as provided to the editor. */
    entity: EntityInstance | null;

  type DecoratorProps = {
    /** The key of the decorated entity. */
    entityKey: string;
    /** The editor’s content. */
    contentState: ContentState;
    /** Rich text to be displayed inside the decorator. */
    children: React.ReactNode;
    /** Shorthand to edit entity data. */
    onEdit: (entityKey: string) => void;
    /** Shorthand to remove an entity, and the related block. */
    onRemove: (entityKey: string, blockKey: string) => void;

  type BlockProps = {
    block: ContentBlock;
    blockProps: {
      /** The editorState is available for arbitrary content manipulation. */
      editorState: EditorState;
      /** Current entity to manage. */
      entity: EntityInstance;
      /** Current entityKey to manage. */
      entityKey: string;
      /** Whole entityType configuration, as provided to the editor. */
      entityType: BaseEntityType;
      /** Make the whole editor read-only, except for the block. */
      lockEditor: () => void;
      /** Make the editor editable again. */
      unlockEditor: () => void;
      /** Shorthand to edit entity data. */
      onEditEntity: (entityKey: string) => void;
      /** Shorthand to remove an entity, and the related block. */
      onRemoveEntity: (entityKey: string, blockKey: string) => void;
      /** Update the editorState with arbitrary changes. */
      onChange: (EditorState) => void;

  type EntityType = BaseEntityType & {
    /** React component providing the UI to manage entities of this type. */
    source: React.ComponentType<SourceProps>;
    /** React component to display inline entities. */
    decorator?: React.ComponentType<DecoratorProps> | null;
    /** React component to display block-level entities. */
    block?: React.ComponentType<BlockProps> | null;

  type ControlProps = {
    getEditorState: () => EditorState;
    onChange: (EditorState) => void;

  type ToolbarProps = {};

  export interface DraftailEditorProps {
    /** Initial content of the editor. Use this to edit pre-existing content. */
    rawContentState?: RawDraftContentState | null;
    /** Called when changes occured. Use this to persist editor content. */
    onSave?: ((content: null | RawDraftContentState) => void) | null;
    /** Content of the editor, when using the editor as a controlled component. Incompatible with `rawContentState` and `onSave`. */
    editorState?: EditorState | null;
    /** Called whenever the editor state is updated. Use this to manage the content of a controlled editor. Incompatible with `rawContentState` and `onSave`. */
    onChange?: ((editorState: EditorState) => void) | null;
    /** Called when the editor receives focus. */
    onFocus?: (() => void) | null;
    /** Called when the editor loses focus. */
    onBlur?: (() => void) | null;
    /** Displayed when the editor is empty. Hidden if the user changes styling. */
    placeholder?: string | null;
    /** Enable the use of horizontal rules in the editor. */
    enableHorizontalRule: boolean | BtnMetaProps;
    /** Enable the use of line breaks in the editor. */
    enableLineBreak: boolean | BtnMetaProps;
    /** Show undo control in the toolbar. */
    showUndoControl: boolean | BtnMetaProps;
    /** Show redo control in the toolbar. */
    showRedoControl: boolean | BtnMetaProps;
    /** Disable copy/paste of rich text in the editor. */
    stripPastedStyles: boolean;
    /** Set whether spellcheck is turned on for your editor.
     * See https://draftjs.org/docs/api-reference-editor.html#spellcheck.
    spellCheck: boolean;
    /** Set whether the editor should be rendered in readOnly mode.
     * See https://draftjs.org/docs/api-reference-editor.html#readonly
    readOnly: boolean;
    /** Optionally set the overriding text alignment for this editor.
     * See https://draftjs.org/docs/api-reference-editor.html#textalignment.
    textAlignment?: string | null;
    /** Optionally set the overriding text directionality for this editor.
     * See https://draftjs.org/docs/api-reference-editor.html#textdirectionality.
    textDirectionality?: string | null;
    /** Set if auto capitalization is turned on and how it behaves.
     * See https://draftjs.org/docs/api-reference-editor.html#autocapitalize-string.
    autoCapitalize?: string | null;
    /** Set if auto complete is turned on and how it behaves.
     * See https://draftjs.org/docs/api-reference-editor.html#autocomplete-string.
    autoComplete?: string | null;
    /** Set if auto correct is turned on and how it behaves.
     * See https://draftjs.org/docs/api-reference-editor.html#autocorrect-string.
    autoCorrect?: string | null;
    /** See https://draftjs.org/docs/api-reference-editor.html#aria-props. */
    ariaDescribedBy?: string | null;
    /** List of the available block types. */
    blockTypes: BlockType[];
    /** List of the available inline styles. */
    inlineStyles: InlineStyle[];
    /** List of the available entity types. */
    entityTypes: EntityType[];
    /** List of active decorators. */
    decorators: DraftDecorator[];
    /** List of extra toolbar controls. */
    controls: React.ComponentType<ControlProps>[];
    /** List of plugins of the draft-js-plugins architecture. */
    plugins: any[];
    /** Optionally override the default Draftail toolbar, removing or replacing it. */
    topToolbar?: React.ComponentType<ToolbarProps> | null;
    /** Optionally add a custom toolbar underneath the editor, e.g. for metrics. */
    bottomToolbar?: React.ComponentType<ToolbarProps> | null;
    /** Max level of nesting for list items. 0 = no nesting. Maximum = 10. */
    maxListNesting: number;
    /** Frequency at which to call the onSave callback (ms). */
    stateSaveInterval: number;

  export class DraftailEditor extends React.Component<DraftailEditorProps, {}> {
     * Imperative focus API similar to that of Draft.js.
     * See https://draftjs.org/docs/advanced-topics-managing-focus.html#content.
    focus(): void;

  type IconProp = string | string[] | React.ReactNode;

   * Icon as SVG element. Can optionally render a React element instead.
  export const Icon: (props: {
    icon: IconProp;
    title?: string | null;
    className?: string | null;
  }) => JSX.Element;

   * Displays a basic button, with optional active variant,
   * enriched with a tooltip. The tooltip stops showing on click.
  export const ToolbarButton: (props: {
    name?: string | null;
    active?: boolean;
    label?: string | null;
    title?: string | null;
    icon?: IconProp | null;
    onClick?: (str: string) => void;
  }) => JSX.Element;

  export const DraftUtils: {};

   * See https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/blob/master/src/model/immutable/DefaultDraftBlockRenderMap.js.
  export const BLOCK_TYPE: {
     * Represent a normal text block (paragraph).
    UNSTYLED: "unstyled";
    HEADER_ONE: "header-one";
    HEADER_TWO: "header-two";
    HEADER_THREE: "header-three";
    HEADER_FOUR: "header-four";
    HEADER_FIVE: "header-five";
    HEADER_SIX: "header-six";
    UNORDERED_LIST_ITEM: "unordered-list-item";
    ORDERED_LIST_ITEM: "ordered-list-item";
    BLOCKQUOTE: "blockquote";
    CODE: "code-block";
     * Represents a "custom" non-text block, with arbitrary content.
    ATOMIC: "atomic";

  export const ENTITY_TYPE: {
    LINK: "LINK";

   * See https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/blob/master/src/model/immutable/DefaultDraftInlineStyle.js.
  export const INLINE_STYLE: {
    BOLD: "BOLD";
    CODE: "CODE";
    MARK: "MARK";

This has been implemented in #429, and subsequent commits, and will be released soon. Closing!