spring-social / spring-social-google

Spring Social extension with connection support and an API binding for Google

Home Page:https://spring-social-google.github.io/spring-social-google/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Move spring-social-google into spring-projects

jiwhiz opened this issue · comments

Hi @GabiAxel

I sent a spring-boot PR (spring-projects/spring-boot#2548) to add spring boot starter for spring social google. But since spring-social-google is not spring projects, they put it on-hold.

Since spring social already has Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, I suggest to move spring-social-google into spring-projects. And this project will have better support from spring team. It will be very trivial code changes, since the code base follows the exact same pattern of other spring social projects.

What do you think?


Greetings @jiwhiz ,

Makes sense to me, but it's not really my decision.

@habuma - what do you say?

Thank you @GabiAxel :)

Be interesting to see this moved over, for sure.

Please note that I wasn't suggesting that moving this project to the spring-projects organisation was necessarily the right thing to do. The other option is to update the group id so that it isn't in the org.springframework namespace. This would make it clear that this is a third-party Spring Social module rather than one that's developed and supported by the Spring team.

@GabiAxel Hi!
I've been talking to @dsyer about moving this into spring-projects
The problem is finding people to maintain the repo.
So my suggestion would be that there could be a couple of us to maintain it.

I've got a pull request ready for adding spring boot auto configuration.
And I could do the initial move if they setup a new repo for us.

What do you say?

Before moving it over, I'd like us to hook into Travis and Coveralls, just to get the quality assurance taken care of. After that, I don't see it being a problem.


Are there many people currently maintaining this? I would like to join as a contributor.