spring-social / spring-social-google

Spring Social extension with connection support and an API binding for Google

Home Page:https://spring-social-google.github.io/spring-social-google/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

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Question: Google+ sunsetting effects?

TuulaP opened this issue · comments

Hi, and apologies for disturbing so early in the year. Tried to search existing issues and documentation of this one, but is it so that as Google+ is going away, this library would need some updates to migrate to Google Sign-in? Is there some plans for that? Or do we need to find alternatives? Any recommendations?

I have the same question, at least for google signin, is the google+ sunset going to affect google sign in?

It is mentioned in this link https://developers.google.com/+/api-shutdown that REST API will be closed.
https://developers.google.com/+/web/api/rest/ link contains links used in org.springframework.social.google.api.plus.impl.PlusTemplate class.

As far as I see, consequently It has to be updated.

I suspect it'd have to be changed to use the GSuite style auth.

The same question here. Will there be any update to support migration from Google Plus SignIn to Google SignIn?

The People API seems to return Work history etc.., Seems like a valuable update to get that code released.

@amontenegro I have the same concern. A cursory look through the code leads me to believe that the sign-on functionality is not handled via OAuth or plus.me api/scopes, but rather OAuth2: GoogleOAuth2Template. For what its worth, I just disabled the Google+ API in our projects Google API dashboard and sign-on is still working.

Having said that, I'm not certain that sign-on will be unaffected by the Google+ API shutdown. It would be nice to get a confirmation from someone on the dev team.

@amontenegro I have the same concern. A cursory look through the code leads me to believe that the sign-on functionality is not handled via OAuth or plus.me api/scopes, but rather OAuth2: GoogleOAuth2Template. For what its worth, I just disabled the Google+ API in our projects Google API dashboard and sign-on is still working.

Having said that, I'm not certain that sign-on will be unaffected by the Google+ API shutdown. It would be nice to get a confirmation from someone on the dev team.

Hi @n1zea144, you are right, sign in was handled by oauth2, however, profile info was fetched from google+ endpoints, so, at the end, I extended the GoogleTemplate so I fetch the user info (name + email) from https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/userinfo using OAuth2Operations.getUserinfo();

You can take a look at this PR:


Thanks @amontenegro for the patch! I noticed there has not been any activity in the primary spring-social-google repos in over a year. Do you have any plans to make a PR back to it? Of course we can and will grab your changes directly from the ORCID repos.

For what its worth, I just disabled the Google+ API in our projects Google API dashboard and sign-on is still working.

Yeah... I did the same and it was working for... one day more. Better to check your app on a daily basis because they announced they would switch it off step by step up to March the 7th.

I created pull request to update the People API so same data can be retrieved that was previously done via Google + API. Hope some maintainer notices.

just fyi - I disabled Google+ for our spring-social-google 1.0.0 app and the OAuth did indeed fail.

With 1.0.0 I verified that signin failed after I removed the Google Plus API. A simple upgrade to the already released version 1.1.3 (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.spring-social/spring-social-google/1.1.3) fixed the signin part.

(Not sure how we missed the 1.1.3 upgrade previously, perhaps due to the group change described in the project README file. Anyway 1.1.3 can sign in without Google Plus API.)