spring-projects / spring-statemachine

Spring Statemachine is a framework for application developers to use state machine concepts with Spring.

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Transition with the same event in multiple regions

Balint-Ivanics-KUKA opened this issue · comments


Multiple regions of the same state machine using the same event for transition don't react as I would expect based on the docs.
"Whether you send one event or multiple events, result is always a sequence of results. This is so because in a presence multiple reqions, results will come back from multiple machines in those regions. This is shown with method sendEventCollect which gives a list of results." To me this suggested that multiple regions can accept the event but it looks like that is not the case.

If I have the following state machine:

    public void configure(StateMachineStateConfigurer<MyStateMachineState, MyStateMachineEvent> states)
            throws Exception

    public void configure(StateMachineTransitionConfigurer<MyStateMachineState, MyStateMachineEvent> transitions)
            throws Exception

then if I send a BasicEvent.EVENT only one of the regions will transition. I would have expected both to transition.

Is this the intended behavior?
