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Spring Security

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AnonymousConfigurer not work using Custom DSL

shihyuho opened this issue · comments

I'm using

  • Spring Boot 3.2.5
  • Spring Security 6.2.4

Describe the bug

While playing around with Custom DSL, I noticed adding an anonymous configurer does not work

To Reproduce

public class Config {
  public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    return http
      .with(new MyCustomDsl(), withDefaults())

public class MyCustomDsl extends AbstractHttpConfigurer<MyCustomDsl, HttpSecurity> {

  public void init(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    http.anonymous(anonymous -> anonymous.principal("myAnonymousUser"));

Expected behavior

I expected the anonymous principal to be myAnonymousUser, but the actual result was anonymousUser, which is the default name set by AnonymousConfigurer.



Additional Notes

Upon tracing the code, the reason appears to be:

In HttpSecurityConfiguration, .anonymous(withDefaults()) is already set once when creating HttpSecurity instance, and in the init method of AnonymousConfigurer, the authenticationFilter is initialized.

As a result, although the principal can still be changed later with custom DSL, the filter is not recreated, which prevents the changes from taking effect.

I think to modify the added Configurer, you need to modify it before building like so

  public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    return http
      .anonymous(anonymous -> anonymous.principal("myAnonymousUser"))
      .with(new MyCustomDsl(), withDefaults())

I think to modify the added Configurer, you need to modify it before building like so

  public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    return http
      .anonymous(anonymous -> anonymous.principal("myAnonymousUser"))
      .with(new MyCustomDsl(), withDefaults())

Thank you for your suggestion @kse-music , but this is not what I am looking for. The document mentions that it is possible to add other configurers to a custom DSL:


Therefore, I'm planning to design some custom DSLs targeted at our common scenarios, providing a quick configuration to configure HttpSecurity for developers.

If the init method of the custom Configurer supports modifying the configuration of the Configurer that has been added to HttpSecurity, can I understand that because the custom Configurer is initialized last, it will cause inconsistency of the behavior in the init method and the configure method. For example like so:

    public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        return http
                .with(new MyCustomDsl(), withDefaults())

    static class MyCustomDsl extends AbstractHttpConfigurer<MyCustomDsl, HttpSecurity> {

        public void init(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            http.sessionManagement(c -> c.enableSessionUrlRewriting(true).sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS));


When the SessionManagementConFigurer initializes, the variable enableSessionUrlrewroting = false, sessionPolicy = if_required in init method, but the variable enableSessionUrlrewroting = true, sessionPolicy = STATELESS in configure method.

I think there are still some Configurer like this

@jzheaux I don’t know what I understand, right?