spring-guides / tut-spring-security-and-angular-js

Spring Security and Angular:: A tutorial on how to use Spring Security with a single page application with various backend architectures, ranging from a simple single server to an API gateway with OAuth2 authentication.

Home Page:https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-security-and-angular-js/

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User Details Service integration to the gateway.

hrandika opened this issue · comments

In 'double' project we use

                .withUser("admin").password("admin").roles("USER", "ADMIN", "READER", "WRITER")
                .withUser("audit").password("audit").roles("USER", "ADMIN", "READER");

and we can login users with these details. But when we add


it gives an error with

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: <pakage>.CustomUserDetailsService$UserRepositoryUserDetails

How to solve this issue. Or even get user details from database?


this is my way:

public class CustomUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService
    private UserRepository userRepository;

    public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String userName)
            throws UsernameNotFoundException {

        UsersEntity usersEntity = userRepository.findOne(userName);

        if(usersEntity == null){
            throw new UsernameNotFoundException("UserName "+userName+" not found");

        SecurityUser user = new SecurityUser();
        return user;

@Table(name = "users", schema = "", catalog = "spring_security")
public class UsersEntity {
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private boolean enabled;

    @Column(name = "username", nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true, length = 50)
    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

    public void setUsername(String username) {
        this.username = username;

    @Column(name = "password", nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true, length = 50)
    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;

    @Column(name = "enabled", nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true)
    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return enabled;

    public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        this.enabled = enabled;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

        UsersEntity that = (UsersEntity) o;

        if (enabled != that.enabled) return false;
        if (username != null ? !username.equals(that.username) : that.username != null) return false;
        if (password != null ? !password.equals(that.password) : that.password != null) return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        int result = username != null ? username.hashCode() : 0;
        result = 31 * result + (password != null ? password.hashCode() : 0);
        result = 31 * result + (enabled ? 1 : 0);
        return result;
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<UsersEntity, String> {


I use spring data jpa ,you must design the db for user table that have


CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
  `enabled` bit(1) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`username`)

2.this is get password way

        String password = "123456";
        BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder();

user password(123456)
admin $2a$10$qeW7Nv.L53Et7.UOTJPipeIUQIvaOH8yw76FWbe2xy.qhzeRlZ0O6 1

Seems like a general question on Spring Security. Stack Overflow probably best source for answer.

I'll think about adding a new blog on custom user details services.