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Building REST services with Spring :: Learn how to easily build RESTful services with Spring

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Update HATEOAS section in *Building REST services with Spring*

mqus opened this issue · comments


I just tried the mentioned tutorial and had some complications with the Spring HATEOAS sections because they still refer to Resource and other Classes/Interfaces which were renamed by the 1.0 release of HATEOAS.
Renaming them was simple:

  • Resource -> EntityModel
  • Resources -> CollectionModel
  • ResourceAssembler -> RepresentationModelAssembler
  • toResource -> toModel
  • EmployeeResourceAssembler -> EmployeeRepresentationModelAssembler (this wasn't neccessary but would be a good idea for the tutorial)

I had more difficulties with org.springframework.hateoas.mvc.ControllerLinkBuilder/org.springframework.hateoas.server.mvc.ControllerLinkBuilder which is now deprecated. I assume that there is no simple renamed class I can use.
How do I use it properly?
And, more importantly: would it be possible to update the tutorial?

I can try it myself when I have some time but as I'm a complete beginner in Spring (I just did the second tutorial, after all ;) ), It would probably be quicker if someone else does it.

Other than that, I'm very impressed by the tutorial and it really helped so far, thank you!


I just found #85 which solves this exact problem. Please merge it!

The Spring HATEOAS section of the tutorial contains deprecated code, according to IntelliJ. Specifically, EntityModel:

EntityModel<Employee> one(@PathVariable Long id) {

  Employee employee = repository.findById(id)
    .orElseThrow(() -> new EmployeeNotFoundException(id));

  return new EntityModel<>(employee,

This page recommends using of(object, iterable) instead.

This is my first exposure to Spring so I have no idea what I am doing. Can we please have the tutorial updated? Thanks.