spring-guides / gs-testing-web

Testing the Web Layer :: Learn how to test Spring Boot applications and MVC controllers.

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outdated port injection in code

FyiurAmron opened this issue · comments


, you can see @Value(value="${local.server.port}") as the way to inject port.

However, the guide at https://spring.io/guides/gs/testing-web/ mentions @LocalServerPort:

Note the use of webEnvironment=RANDOM_PORT to start the server with a random port (useful to avoid conflicts in test environments) and the injection of the port with @LocalServerPort.

I fixed this in 3282679

@Buzzardo frankly, unless I'm missing something obvious, you actually broke it, and not fixed it? Prior to your commit, it had @LocalServerPort previously, which was valid and worked, matched the text docs, and was supported at that time and is supported by SB 3.x, see https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/api/org/springframework/boot/test/web/server/LocalServerPort.html - you changed it to @Value(value="${local.server.port}"), which 1. is not the officially suggested way to handle it (@LocalServerPort was added in 2.7 precisely to address the possible problems with @Value injection), 2. doesn't match the current text docs, which properly state that @LocalServerPort is the way to go.

OK. I put it back to @LocalServerPort in fe8cdd5

BTW, I now see how this mixup happened; previously it was

import org.springframework.boot.web.server.LocalServerPort;

, and now it's

import org.springframework.boot.test.web.server.LocalServerPort;

, due to spring-projects/spring-boot#29589 ... kinda funny how those things go :}