spring-guides / gs-spring-data-reactive-redis

Accessing Data Reactively with Redis :: Learn how to reactively interface with Redis and Spring Data

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Compilation on Java 17 fails

maciejwalkowiak opened this issue · comments

Compilation on Java 17 fails with:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) on project reactive-redis: Fatal error compiling: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class lombok.javac.apt.LombokProcessor (in unnamed module @0x367f0121) cannot access class com.sun.tools.javac.processing.JavacProcessingEnvironment (in module jdk.compiler) because module jdk.compiler does not export com.sun.tools.javac.processing to unnamed module @0x367f0121 -> [Help 1]

This can be fixed with: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66981165/1160445

But anyways, the proper way to fix this issue would be probably to upgrade whole sample to the latest Spring Boot version.

This should be fixed now, since we have upgraded the Spring Boot version.