spring-guides / gs-multi-module

Creating a Multi Module Project :: Learn how to build a library and package it for consumption in a Spring Boot application

Home Page:http://spring.io/guides/gs/multi-module

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can a Gradle multi-project build be added to this guide?

62mkv opened this issue · comments

Hi all

Current "complete" folder does not have a build.gradle on "root" level, thus each project has to deal with dependencies completely autonomously

I would like to see more "conventional" multi-module (multi-project) Gradle build config, that would for example let me define shared ("allprojects") logic in the root build.gradle and then only add module-specific customizations in each module's build.gradle files?

Say, then the project structure could look like this:


I am currently trying to structure such build based on suggestions from here https://stackoverflow.com/a/59435028/2583044 but I have some issues where dependencies are "not found" and it looks like gradle does not know which version to apply to them These dependencies ARE in the spring-boot-dependencies-2.4.0.pom, like

Could not find org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test:.

There is a build.gradle file.