spring-guides / gs-messaging-stomp-websocket

Using WebSocket to build an interactive web application :: Learn how to the send and receive messages between a browser and the server over a WebSocket

Home Page:http://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bug in guide

BenfenYU opened this issue · comments

Hi, I find there is a bug in guide "https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/#initial",
I choose to download the repository, and then follow doc to "Jump ahead to Create a Resource Representation Class.", however the repository does not include the "pom.xml" with modifications on dependencies. So maybe the guide should be modified to "Jump ahead to Starting with Spring Initializr."

I think you're right. Since it's easy to fix, I'm going to add the good first issue and help wanted labels and see if someone in the community would like to tackle it.

I did't find this issue in the current repo. I think it's a problem that only affects the description present on spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket

I see it. The link jumps to "Create a Resource Representaton Class" rather than "Starting with Spring Initializr". The fix is to change the target of that link.

yes, you're right but in the readme file this issue is not present, so where i can solve it?

Oh, I see now. The link is in an included block of content. We don't dare change it there, because it would break other guides. The deep fix here is to make sure all the guides are consistent with their scratch and initial identifiers and then change the link in that included file. I'll have to look into that, and I'll close this one. Thanks for trying to address an issue and for making me look deeply enough to find the other issue.