spring-guides / gs-accessing-data-mysql

Accessing data with MySQL :: Learn how to set up and manage user accounts on MySQL and how to configure Spring Boot to connect to it at runtime.

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How to use findByNeer in Mysql 5.7 + ?

chenlingmin opened this issue · comments

What's "neer"? What do you mean exactly? Is it anything to do with MySQL?

Sorry. Spelling mistakes, It's Near。
For example:

  • Nearby hospital
  • Nearby companies

Is that a MySQL feature? Seems like a concern you would have to implement yourself in Java. I'm not really sure what you are asking. This guide is only about using MySQL, as opposed to an embedded database. It doesn't cover specific features of MySQL, and it doesn't cover specific features in Java APIs that use the database.

😂 Sorry, My English is poor.

I want to know how to use spring-data-commons and spring-data-jpa with Mysql query nearBy ***. like this.

Page<Store> findByAddressLocationNear( @Param("location") Point location, @Param("distance") Distance distance, Pageable pageable)

I’m not aware if MySQL has such a feature. It’s out of the scope of this guide though. Please take usage questions to StackOverflow.