spring-cloud / spring-cloud-deployer-kubernetes

The Spring Cloud Deployer implementation for Kubernetes

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Upgrade cronjobs from batch/v1beta to batch/v1

anuragpathak21 opened this issue · comments


Version 1.21 of kubernetes promoted cron jobs from batch/v1beta to batch/v1

Upgrade cronjobs from batch/v1beta to use batch/v1


@onobc Due to removal of batch/v1beta1 from V1.25 we are unable to use SCDF in our cluster with version 1.25.

@anuragpathak21 - I understand. Sorry, if my comment w/ link (but w/o any context) was confusing. It was meant as an internal note to lookup the latest details of the API. I meant to add some context w/ the link.

We are looking into this issue currently and should have a direction in the next couple days.

I am waiting to hear back from our commercial customers and we will update you shortly. I'd expect we make the update in the next point release FWIW.

Just out of curiosity, are you aware of the features that are available only in our commercial offering?


We are unable to make this change in 2.10 as we can not exclude k8s version 1.19,1.20 in SCDF 2.10.

We will make this change in 2.11 and the k8s compatibility will look as follows:

  • 2.11 will support k8s 1.21 - 1.25
  • 2.10 supports k8s < 1.25

The next question is when will 2.11 be available. We are working on it currently and will firm up some milestone dates soon.

@onobc What is the best way to get updates regarding timing for 2.11 release?

Hi @dclangan .

This week the team will assign issues and a date to the 2.11.0 milestone.

The best way to "track" is the date on the milestone and the issues still in open status on the milestone.

Somewhat unrelated - but good to know... note that we have:

Any update on the date for the 2.11.0 release? We are currently stuck rolling out OpenShift updates due to this issue.

Hi @ganto
We got pulled off on other issues last week and did not get a chance to firm up the dates. We should have a date set in the next few days.


We have an estimated release date of 5/17/2023.

Hello, @onobc, is there a revised ETA on this release?

Hello @v1bh0r , yes the date was moved to 2023-06-20. I mentioned in my reply on the duplicate issue but it is a good thing to callout here as the ETA was previously mentioned above. Thanks.

The fix is in the 2.11.0-SNAPSHOT if you want to try it out.

Hello @onobc , we are eagerly awaiting the 2.11 release today. Just in case the release gets delayed, can you point me in the right direction to build the docker image for the 2.11 codebase and deploy it as a part of the cluster deployed using the bitnami charts?