spragunr / deep_q_rl

Theano-based implementation of Deep Q-learning

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ImportError: No module named cuda.var in theano version 0.9.0

AnushaManila opened this issue · comments

I have installed Theano==0.9.0 version.
Since import as_cuda_ndarray_variable from theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops is not available in release version 0.9.0, I guess the equivalent module is from theano.sandbox.cuda.var import CudaNdarraySharedVariable. But it gives import error as the title says No module named cuda.var.

Similarly, I am searching the equivalent for below modules

  1. host_from_gpu
  2. gpu_alloc_empty

The exact line which throws the error is as shown below:
from theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops import (as_cuda_ndarray_variable,
gpu_contiguous, HostFromGpu,

Thank you in advance.