Nothing to render: -from X Z has to be <= -to X Z
JoaoLCordeiro opened this issue · comments
I'm trying to render part of a world and this error message always appears.
I'm using the pre-compiled version for windows and the imput is:
.\mcmap -from 700 0 -to 200 400 -min 50 -sw -v
And, the debug message with the error says:
[Debug] World spans from -6144.-7312.0 ~> 4095.6655.255 (North-West)
[Debug] Processed boundaries: 700.0.50 ~> 200.400.255 (South-West)
[Error] Nothing to render: -from X Z has to be <= -to X Z
The -sw option is used and the debug message says that is the correct direction.
What I can do?
I see the confusion. The argument system is still a bit rustic, so it needs minX < maxX and minZ < maxZ. In your case, that comes down to:
.\mcmap -from 200 0 -to 700 400 -min 50 -sw -v
The orientation (-sw
) is evaluated later and does not modify the order of the coordinates.
Hope that helps !
You're welcome ! It's nice to see people using the tool. That is a cool portal too. Enjoy !