spotbugs / spotbugs

SpotBugs is FindBugs' successor. A tool for static analysis to look for bugs in Java code.

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edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.ResourceNotFoundException: Resource not found: java/lang/Object.class at edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.impl.ClassPathImpl.lookupResource(

rfkaiyang opened this issue · comments

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Thanks for opening your first issue here! 😃
Please check our contributing guideline. Especially when you report a problem, make sure you share a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example to reproduce it in this issue.

@rfkaiyang We would need far more details than just an error. What version are you using, what java version, etc. Also as indicated a small example would additionally be of value.

I think this issue is a duplicate of #1255.