splunk / splunk-connect-for-snmp

Splunk connect for SNMP

Home Page:https://splunk.github.io/splunk-connect-for-snmp/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Helm Installation Proxy Configuration and SOCKS5 Proxy Support Enhancement

symmr opened this issue · comments

This request contains two aspects.

1. Configuring Proxy during installation with helm
1.1. Adding configuration items in values.yaml
For example, please make it possible to set the Proxy as follows:

sender.proxy.enabled: true
sender.proxy.http: http://proxyserver_host_or_address:8080
sender.proxy.https: http://proxyserver_host_or_address:8080

1.2. Updating the Sender Deployment Chart
Please reflect the http and https proxy information specified in 1.1 in the deployment under spec.template.spec.containers.env.

- name: http_proxy
  value: {sender.proxy.http}
- name: https_proxy
  value: {sender.proxy.https}
- name: no_proxy
  value: "snmp-mibserver"

Here, no_proxy is set as a fixed value.
As for the communication from Sender, what I found is addressed to "http://snmp-mibserver/index.csv", but if there are other hosts that may be sent, please add them.

2. Please also enable SOCKS5 proxy
Users using Splunk may adopt a SOCKS5 proxy instead of HTTP.
However requests module currently used in SC4SNMP does not support SOCKS5.
When I actually tried it, I got an error saying "requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: Missing dependencies for SOCKS support."

This should be resolved by adding the requests[socks] module to the dependencies.
