splicebox / MntJULiP

Comprehensive and scalable differential splicing analyses

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Inclusion of covariates/confounders

epoisel13 opened this issue · comments

Hi, thank you for developing this great tool. I am currently working with human data and there are several covariates that might affect the splicing results, also tissue quality and degradation shows variation between samples. Is it possible to include additional covariates into the splicing analysis other than condition? Thank you for a comment on this!

Hi epoisel13- Thanks for your inquiry. We have been working on implementing covariates. We tested the code, but are still working on the interface. We can prepare and share a copy of the code with you offline, if you are interested in trying it out, or we can let you know when we release it. Let us know.

Thank you for your reply. I would be very interested in trying out your current implementation.

Also, do you have an email address where we should send the software? Please email it to florea@jhu.edu .