spinnaker / roer

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Pipeline template publish with webhook trigger isn`t working

KeisukeYamashita opened this issue · comments

How can I write webhook trigger pipeline with yml?
Am I making in yml or something wrong in spinnaker or roer?

It always be blank. I used pipeline save command.

My template.yml is here.
I created this yml by running roer pipeline convert and created a yml file from the output..

This is the pipeline a used to create a yml output.


I ran

env SPINNAKER_API=http://localhost:8084 go run cmd/hank/main.go pipeline-template convert testappfromgui webhooktrigger

The output is here.

    limitConcurrent: true
    parallel: false
  - enabled: true
    name: unnamed0
      tag: .*
    source: webhook
    type: webhook
id: testappfromgui-webhooktrigger
  description: This template does not have a description
  name: webhooktrigger
  owner: anonymous
  - testappfromgui
protect: false
schema: "1"
stages: []

I used this yml for pipeline-template publish and it is not working.
And the result on the UI is this.
