spine / spine

Lightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications

Home Page:http://spine.github.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Why there are two different spinejs?

xiaoyann opened this issue · comments


  var Spine;
  if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
    Spine = exports;
  } else {
    Spine = this.Spine = {};

  Spine.version = "0.0.3";

  var $ = Spine.$ = this.jQuery || this.Zepto;

  var makeArray = Spine.makeArray = function(args){
    return Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 0);

  // Shim Array, as these functions aren't in IE
  if (typeof Array.prototype.indexOf === "undefined")
    Array.prototype.indexOf = function(value){
      for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ )
            if ( this[ i ] === value )
                return i;
        return -1;

  var Events = Spine.Events = {
    bind: function(ev, callback) {
      var evs   = ev.split(" ");
      var calls = this._callbacks || (this._callbacks = {});

      for (var i=0; i < evs.length; i++)
        (this._callbacks[evs[i]] || (this._callbacks[evs[i]] = [])).push(callback);

      return this;

    trigger: function() {
      var args = makeArray(arguments);
      var ev   = args.shift();

      var list, calls, i, l;
      if (!(calls = this._callbacks)) return false;
      if (!(list  = this._callbacks[ev])) return false;

      for (i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++)
        if (list[i].apply(this, args) === false)

      return true;

    unbind: function(ev, callback){
      if ( !ev ) {
        this._callbacks = {};
        return this;

      var list, calls, i, l;
      if (!(calls = this._callbacks)) return this;
      if (!(list  = this._callbacks[ev])) return this;

      if ( !callback ) {
        delete this._callbacks[ev];
        return this;

      for (i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++)
        if (callback === list[i]) {
          list.splice(i, 1);

      return this;

  var Log = Spine.Log = {
    trace: true,

    logPrefix: "(App)",

    log: function(){
      if ( !this.trace ) return;
      if (typeof console == "undefined") return;
      var args = makeArray(arguments);
      if (this.logPrefix) args.unshift(this.logPrefix);
      console.log.apply(console, args);
      return this;

  // Classes (or prototypial inheritors)

  if (typeof Object.create !== "function")
      Object.create = function(o) {
        function F() {}
        F.prototype = o;
        return new F();

  var moduleKeywords = ["included", "extended"];

  var Class = Spine.Class = {
    inherited: function(){},
    created: function(){},

    prototype: {
      initializer: function(){},
      init: function(){}

    create: function(include, extend){
      var object = Object.create(this);
      object.parent    = this;
      object.prototype = object.fn = Object.create(this.prototype);

      if (include) object.include(include);
      if (extend)  object.extend(extend);

      return object;

    init: function(){
      var initance = Object.create(this.prototype);
      initance.parent = this;

      initance.initializer.apply(initance, arguments);
      initance.init.apply(initance, arguments);
      return initance;

    proxy: function(func){
      var thisObject = this;
        return func.apply(thisObject, arguments); 

    proxyAll: function(){
      var functions = makeArray(arguments);
      for (var i=0; i < functions.length; i++)
        this[functions[i]] = this.proxy(this[functions[i]]);

    include: function(obj){
      for(var key in obj)
        if (moduleKeywords.indexOf(key) == -1)
          this.fn[key] = obj[key];

      var included = obj.included;
      if (included) included.apply(this);
      return this;

    extend: function(obj){
      for(var key in obj)
        if (moduleKeywords.indexOf(key) == -1)
          this[key] = obj[key];

      var extended = obj.extended;
      if (extended) extended.apply(this);
      return this;

  Class.prototype.proxy    = Class.proxy;
  Class.prototype.proxyAll = Class.proxyAll;
  Class.inst               = Class.init;
  Class.sub                = Class.create;

  // Models

  Spine.guid = function(){
    return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
      var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
      return v.toString(16);

  var Model = Spine.Model = Class.create();


    setup: function(name, atts){
      var model = Model.sub();
      if (name) model.name = name;
      if (atts) model.attributes = atts;
      return model;

    created: function(sub){
      this.records = {};
      this.attributes = [];

      this.bind("create",  this.proxy(function(record){ 
        this.trigger("change", "create", record);
      this.bind("update",  this.proxy(function(record){ 
        this.trigger("change", "update", record);
      this.bind("destroy", this.proxy(function(record){ 
        this.trigger("change", "destroy", record);

    find: function(id){
      var record = this.records[id];
      if ( !record ) throw("Unknown record");
      return record.clone();

    exists: function(id){
      try {
        return this.find(id);
      } catch (e) {
        return false;

    refresh: function(values){
      this.records = {};

      for (var i=0, il = values.length; i < il; i++) {    
        var record = this.init(values[i]);
        record.newRecord = false;
        this.records[record.id] = record;


    select: function(callback){
      var result = [];

      for (var key in this.records)
        if (callback(this.records[key]))

      return this.cloneArray(result);

    findByAttribute: function(name, value){
      for (var key in this.records)
        if (this.records[key][name] == value)
          return this.records[key].clone();

    findAllByAttribute: function(name, value){
        return(item[name] == value);

    each: function(callback){
      for (var key in this.records)

    all: function(){
      return this.cloneArray(this.recordsValues());

    first: function(){
      var record = this.recordsValues()[0];
      return(record && record.clone());

    last: function(){
      var values = this.recordsValues()
      var record = values[values.length - 1];
      return(record && record.clone());

    count: function(){
      return this.recordsValues().length;

    deleteAll: function(){
      for (var key in this.records)
        delete this.records[key];

    destroyAll: function(){
      for (var key in this.records)

    update: function(id, atts){

    create: function(atts){
      var record = this.init(atts);
      return record;

    destroy: function(id){

    sync: function(callback){
      this.bind("change", callback);

    fetch: function(callback){
      callback ? this.bind("fetch", callback) : this.trigger("fetch");

    toJSON: function(){
      return this.recordsValues();

    fromJSON: function(objects){
      var self = this;
      if (typeof objects == "string")
        objects = JSON.parse(objects)
      if (typeof objects == "array")
        return($.map(objects, function(){
          return self.init(this);
       return this.init(objects);

    // Private

    recordsValues: function(){
      var result = [];
      for (var key in this.records)
      return result;

    cloneArray: function(array){
      var result = [];
      for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++)
      return result;

    model: true,
    newRecord: true,

    init: function(atts){
      if (atts) this.load(atts);

    isNew: function(){
      return this.newRecord;

    validate: function(){ },

    load: function(atts){
      for(var name in atts)
        this[name] = atts[name];

    attributes: function(){
      var result = {};
      for (var i=0; i < this.parent.attributes.length; i++) {
        var attr = this.parent.attributes[i];
        result[attr] = this[attr];
      result.id = this.id;
      return result;

    eql: function(rec){
      return(rec && rec.id === this.id && 
             rec.parent === this.parent);

    save: function(){
      var error = this.validate();
      if (error) {
        if ( !this.trigger("error", this, error) )
          throw("Validation failed: " + error);

      this.trigger("beforeSave", this);
      this.newRecord ? this.create() : this.update();
      this.trigger("save", this);
      return this;

    updateAttribute: function(name, value){
      this[name] = value;
      return this.save();

    updateAttributes: function(atts){
      return this.save();

    destroy: function(){
      this.trigger("beforeDestroy", this);
      delete this.parent.records[this.id];
      this.trigger("destroy", this);

    dup: function(){
      var result = this.parent.init(this.attributes());
      result.newRecord = this.newRecord;
      return result;

    clone: function(){
      return Object.create(this);

    reload: function(){
      if ( this.newRecord ) return this;
      var original = this.parent.find(this.id);
      return original;

    toJSON: function(){

    exists: function(){
      return(this.id && this.id in this.parent.records);

    // Private

    update: function(){
      this.trigger("beforeUpdate", this);
      var records = this.parent.records;
      this.trigger("update", records[this.id].clone());

    create: function(){
      this.trigger("beforeCreate", this);
      if ( !this.id ) this.id = Spine.guid();
      this.newRecord   = false;
      var records      = this.parent.records;
      records[this.id] = this.dup();
      this.trigger("create", records[this.id].clone());

    bind: function(events, callback){
      return this.parent.bind(events, this.proxy(function(record){
        if ( record && this.eql(record) )
          callback.apply(this, arguments);

    trigger: function(){
      return this.parent.trigger.apply(this.parent, arguments);

  // Controllers

  var eventSplitter = /^(\w+)\s*(.*)$/;

  var Controller = Spine.Controller = Class.create({
    tag: "div",

    initializer: function(options){
      this.options = options;

      for (var key in this.options)
        this[key] = this.options[key];

      if (!this.el) this.el = document.createElement(this.tag);
      this.el = $(this.el);

      if ( !this.events ) this.events = this.parent.events;
      if ( !this.elements ) this.elements = this.parent.elements;

      if (this.events) this.delegateEvents();
      if (this.elements) this.refreshElements();
      if (this.proxied) this.proxyAll.apply(this, this.proxied);

    $: function(selector){
      return $(selector, this.el);

    delegateEvents: function(){
      for (var key in this.events) {
        var methodName = this.events[key];
        var method     = this.proxy(this[methodName]);

        var match      = key.match(eventSplitter);
        var eventName  = match[1], selector = match[2];

        if (selector === '') {
          this.el.bind(eventName, method);
        } else {
          this.el.delegate(selector, eventName, method);

    refreshElements: function(){
      for (var key in this.elements) {
        this[this.elements[key]] = this.$(key);

    delay: function(func, timeout){
      setTimeout(this.proxy(func), timeout || 0);


  Spine.App = Controller.create({
    create: function(properties){
      return this;
  Controller.fn.App = Spine.App;

I think there is no need to care this problem. Do you think so?

Yes, i think so. Thank you!

@striver-x where did you find that code? Should we close this issue?

@adambiggs I am sorry. I forget where I found that code. You can colse this issue. Thank you!