spikehidden / TwitchMinecraftSync

Enable synchronization between Twitch subscribers and a Minecraft server.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Spigot plugin developed for linking Minecraft accounts and Twitch.

✏️ Setup

  1. Go to https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps and click "Register Your Application"
  2. Give your application a name. Be aware this will be shown to users.
  3. Add an OAuth Redirect URL of https://twitchmcsync.com and set the Category as Game Integration
  4. Click Manage on your newly created Application and copy your Client ID, and generate a new Client Secret. Save both, you will need these later.
  5. Place TwitchMinecraftSync.jar in your /plugins folder and restart the server.
  6. Navigate to /plugins/TwitchMinecraftSync/config.yml and paste in the Client ID and Client Secret.
  7. Type your Twitch username in channelName
  8. Set your Redirect URI. This is your server IP and an open port on your server.
       - The Redirect URI should be http://(server ip):(port), for example, http://172:182.52.222:8177
       - You can open a port on most popular server hosts.
       - The port is NOT your server port.
  9. Restart your server and you should be good to go!

πŸ“š Requirements

πŸ“° API

πŸ“¦ Installation / Download


maven {
  url "https://maven.pkg.github.com/dessie0/twitchminecraftsync"

dependencies {
  compileOnly 'com.twitchmcsync:twitchminecraftsync:1.2.0'




Download JAR

API Events

TwitchMinecraftSync adds four events to listen to.

TwitchSubscribeEvent, TwitchResubscribeEvent, TwitchExpireEvent, and TwitchRevokeEvent

Example class for using events
public class Example implements Listener {

    public void onSubscribe(TwitchSubscribeEvent event) {
        if(event.getTwitchPlayer().getStreak() > 6) {
            if(event.getTwitchPlayer().getPlayer().isOnline()) {
                event.getTwitchPlayer().getPlayer().getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Thank you for supporting us for " + event.getTwitchPlayer().getStreak() + " months! You're awesome!");

        Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().forEach(player -> {
            player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + event.getTwitchPlayer().getName() + 
                    " (" + event.getTwitchPlayer().getChannelName() + ") just subscribed at tier " 
                    + event.getTwitchPlayer().getTier() + "!");

    public void onResubscribe(TwitchResubscribeEvent event) {
        if(event.getTwitchPlayer().getChannelName().equalsIgnoreCase("abadperson")) {
            if(event.getTwitchPlayer().getPlayer().isOnline()) {
                event.getTwitchPlayer().getPlayer().getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You're not allowed to resubscribe, maybe it's your username?");

    public void onExpire(TwitchExpireEvent event) {
        if(event.getTwitchPlayer().getPlayer().isOnline() && event.getTwitchPlayer().getPlayer().getPlayer().isOp()) {
            event.getTwitchPlayer().getPlayer().getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Your sub expired, but luckily for you, you're exempt!");

πŸ“‹ Configuration

TwitchMinecraftSync is highly configurable, and you can run any commands when a player subscribes, their subscription expires, or when they re-subscribe.

%player% will be replaced with their Minecraft username.
%twitchname% will be replaced with their Twitch username.

You can also utilize permission roles that are granted or taken away as needed. Vault is required for this reason.

Additionally, you can perform different commands and roles for each tier.

The default config.yml can be seen below.

clientID: "<Your client ID>"
clientSecret: "<Your client secret>"
channelName: "<Channel to check for subscriptions>"
redirectURI: "http://localhost:8080"
port: 8080

      #The role to give them when they subscribe
      #Set to '' to ignore role giving.
      role: "Subscriber"

      #The commands to execute when they subscribe
      #%player% will get their Minecraft username
      #%twitchname% will get their Twitch username.

      #Use -p at the end if you want the command to be executed by the player.
      #By default all commands are ran by console.
        - say Thank you %player% for syncing your Twitch account! (%twitchname%)
        - give %player% diamond 1
        - spawn -p

      role: "Subscriber"
        - say Thank you %player% for re-subscribing! (%twitchname%)

      #The role to remove from them when it expires.
      role: "Subscriber"
        - say %player% (%twitchname%) has not renewed their subscription :(
        - spawn -p

      role: "Subscriber2"
        - say Thank you %player% for syncing your Twitch account at tier 2! (%twitchname%)
        - give %player% diamond 5
        - spawn -p

      role: "Subscriber2"
        - say Thank you %player% for re-subscribing at tier 2! (%twitchname%)

      role: "Subscriber2"
        - say %player% (%twitchname%) has not renewed their subscription :(
        - spawn -p

      role: "Subscriber3"
        - say Thank you %player% for syncing your Twitch account at tier 3! (%twitchname%)
        - give %player% diamond 15
        - spawn -p

      role: "Subscriber3"
        - say Thank you %player% for re-subscribing at tier 3! (%twitchname%)

      role: "Subscriber3"
        - say %player% (%twitchname%) has not renewed their subscription :(
        - spawn -p

πŸ”§ Commands

  • /sync - Sends the Twitch OAuth link to the player. (Granted by default)
  • /revoke <user> - Revokes a user's synced status, and expire commands will be ran. (twitchmcsync.revoke)
  • /tinfo <user> - Displays information regarding a user's current sync status. (twitchmcsync.tinfo)
  • /twitchreload - Reloads the configuration. (twitchmcsync.twitchreload)
  • /twitchserverreload - Reloads the WebServer. (twitchmcsync.twitchserverreload)

πŸ‘“ Advanced

Webserver Configuration

By default, TwitchMinecraftSync comes with a generic look for it's locally hosted web server. (Thanks luaq)

Almost any part of this can be modified by simply changing modifying the resources with in /webserver

It is not recommended to change these files unless you know what you're doing, and do NOT touch the getTwitchResponse() function. All other functions and files can be safely edited.


Enable synchronization between Twitch subscribers and a Minecraft server.


Language:Java 100.0%