spf13 / cast

safe and easy casting from one type to another in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Urgent Bug: github.com/frankban/quicktest references LGPL license

Spiderman5000 opened this issue · comments


  • IBM License Checker found a violation in frankban/quicktest referencing LGPL license.


  • I don't see any reference to quicktest in the cast code.
  • Can this module be removed from go.sum?
  • This is needed ASAP in order for IBM to continue using this module


[ibmuser]$ go mod why -m github.com/frankban/quicktest
# github.com/frankban/quicktest

@Spiderman5000 quicktwst is only used in test code, it will never end up in any compiled binaries that uses cast as a library.

Go modules does not have a concept of dev dependencies, so they show up in these scans.

This is essentially a false positive check, because it's incorrect to use go.sum for checks like this.