spesmilo / electrum

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet

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Cannot estimate fees without recipient address

gasull opened this issue · comments

Electrum doesn't allow fee estimation without having a recipient address.

At the same time, exchanges like https://Trocador.app and https://StealthiEX.io don't give you the recipient address until you input the exact amount you're sending.

But if I want to empty a UTXO, I don't know the exact amount until I have the fee estimation.

This is a chicken and egg problem.

This makes very difficult to empty UTXOs, leaving a lot of dust behind.

The solution is just to allow fee estimation without the address, assuming there is only one recipient address.

Electrum could use a sensible default. E.g. what's the most common type of address nowadays? Taproot?

Then the estimation fee could say in a tooltip "assuming p2tr type of address".

This is a UX issue, and if this cannot be solved for all users, it should be solved at least for most users.

If after entering the recipient address the fee is changed, there should be a warning, specially if this changes the amount sent after subtracting the fee.

And the new fee estimation can be left there even if the recipient address is removed (because the user is trying to get the new recipient address given by the exchange)

What doesn't make sense is having to fidget on both Electrum and the exchange, trying to send everything without leaving dust behind, trying back and forth several times.

it should be solved at least for most users

I think it's a weird exchange's problem. Just use a similar address type and the difference in fees will be microscopic.