spender-sandbox / cuckoo-modified

Modified edition of cuckoo

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Using signature helpers in original cuckoo sandbox

Jon045 opened this issue · comments


I have deployed the base cuckoo sandbox from [https://github.com/cuckoosandbox/cuckoo].

My goal is to create self-defined signatures that detect API calls along with their arguments. I tried event signatures (using on_call method) but for some reason, the on_call API is not triggered even though the functions are being called by an executable. So I had no luck with the event signatures.

As per my knowledge, the base cuckoo sandbox does not implement the check_api and check_argument helpers given at . I was wondering If I could use the definitions given here. Is there anyway I can simply replace the abstracts.py defined here with the base cuckoo abstract.py without major changes and use the helpers to achieve my goal?

Let me know. Thanks.

this repo is dead, you cant simply replay abstracts, bat you can adapt from one to another

Oh I see. Can you guide me about the current practice which uses the on_call method?

Below is my scenario:

I wrote a C++ program which finds open windows using FindWindowA function and then matches a substring "agent.py" to check if cuckoo agent is running.

The above executable works fine and finds the appropriate window.

Then I wrote the signature as given below:

filter_apinames = [ "FindWindowA", ] def on_call(self, call, process): if call["api"] == "FindWindowA": print call["arguments"]["window_name"] if call["arguments"]["window_name"]=="C:\Users\guestwindows\Desktop\agent.py": self.mark_call() return True

On printing a string in the on_call function, I found out it is not being called. Although cuckoo detects the function "FindWindowA" in static analysis and moreover, on_call was previously being triggered and now for some reason it is not.

I also created a file extension detection signature just to see if it is working properly and that signature worked fine.

I am having a very hard time figuring this out so any help is highly appreciated. Thanks

at least care about formatting, as that is so dirty to read, but looks good theorically

my suggestion read the abstracts + already existing signatures they should help, in mod/cape there is no self.mark_call, you can't use v2 abstracts on mod/cape, so go for abstracts and port it or use something what you need what is equivalent

Apologies for bad formatting. New to posting issues on github.

What do you mean by mod/cape and v1/ v2 abstracts?

cuckoo-modified is this repo, https://github.com/kevoreilly/CAPE/ is continue work on this

mod/cape based on cuckoo v1.3 with tons of improvements, go to read readme for more details, v2 is upstream https://github.com/cuckoosandbox/cuckoo