spender-sandbox / cuckoo-modified

Modified edition of cuckoo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DEBUG: winxp: not ready yet

masifpak80 opened this issue · comments

This issue have taken my whole week. Please guide me if i m doing wrong.
When I do tcpdump like this

sudo tcpdump -i vboxnet0 , or sudo tcpdump -i vboxnet0 dst port 8000 or sudo tcpdump -i vboxnet0 dst host All show nothing. It means cuckoo started Analysis VM but still unable to communicate with guest on 8000 port. Both can ping and telnet 2042 and 8000 respective ports.

On Side: Can we install virtualbox 64bit in VM which is again VM on ESX? Because i am still unable even win7 32bit
