spender-sandbox / cuckoo-modified

Modified edition of cuckoo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

how logs are transmitted from guest to host

william-vu opened this issue · comments

Hi all,
As I understand, when running cuckoo monitor in guest machine, it logs API calls and sends the logs to host. Could you please help me answer these 2 questions: (i) how the log is stored? and (ii) which mechanism is used to send logs from guest to host, named pipe or RPC?
Thank you

live bson logging, and stored in bson

do you know how bson log is sent to host? thanks.

Thanks. Now I understand how logs are transmitted from analysis machine to host.
Can I ask another question? Why the Cuckoo monitor use bson to log instead of json? Is there any advantages of using bson?

Google it, google has goos adnswers for that questions :)