spender-sandbox / cuckoo-modified

Modified edition of cuckoo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Virustotal data empty or missing on a lot of JSON reports

Navein opened this issue · comments

I am doing behaviour analysis using cuckoo modified on 65,000 samples i downloaded from virusshare. Some of my reports contains virustotal data, some empty values or some are missing. To better show what I meant, I attached some screenshots below. I am using Virustotal free API btw.

Virustotal empty and no malscore

No virustotal data but has malscore

JSON with virustotal data

Has virustotal data section but empty, and has malscore

malscore is not calculated from VT, it used to do it, but it do it with the rest of available data also, if you do a lot of analysis with public key they will put limit on your reqs, so if you want it for all your analysis buy private api key from virustotal