spekch / Charts

Multi-library chart package to create interactive charts using laravel.

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Charts is a multi-library chart package to create interactive charts using laravel.

StyleCI StyleCI StyleCI

Charts Logo

Table Of Contents


Video Tutorial

Video Tutorial

To install charts use composer


composer require consoletvs/charts

Add service provider & alias

Add the following service provider to the array in: config/app.php


Add the following alias to the array in: config/app.php

'Charts' => ConsoleTVs\Charts\Charts::class,

Publish the assets

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=charts_config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=charts_assets --force

Default Settings

The file in: config/charts.php contains an array of settings, you can find the default settings in there.

Example Usage

Example Controller:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Http\Requests;
use Charts;

class TestController extends Controller
    public function index()
		$chart = Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')
			->setTitle('My nice chart')
			->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])
		return view('test', ['chart' => $chart]);

Example View:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

        <title>My Charts</title>

		{!! Charts::assets() !!}

			{!! $chart->render() !!}

Create Charts

Create Charts line area bar pie donut geo gauge temp percentage progressbar
chartjs x x x x x - - - - -
highcharts x x x x x x - - - -
google x x x x x x x - - -
material x - x - - - - - - -
chartist x x x x x - - - - -
fusioncharts x x x x x - - - - -
morris x x x - x - - - - -
plottablejs x x x x x - - - - -
minimalist x x x x x - - - - -
canvas-gauges - - - - - - x x - -
justgage - - - - - - x - x -
progressbarjs - - - - - - - - x x

The first argument of the create method is the chart type, and the second is the library

Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')
	->setTitle('My nice chart')
	->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])

Multi Datasets Chart

Multi Dataset Charts line area bar pie donut geo gauge temp percentage progressbar
chartjs x x x - - - - - - -
highcharts x x x - - - - - - -
google x x x - - - - - - -
material x - x - - - - - - -
chartist x x x - - - - - - -
fusioncharts x x x - - - - - - -
morris x x x - - - - - - -
plottablejs x x x - - - - - - -
minimalist x x x - - - - - - -
canvas-gauges - - - - - - - - - -
justgage - - - - - - - - - -
progressbarjs - - - - - - - - - -

To create multi-dataset charts simply add the values using the setDataset() function!

Charts::multi('line', 'highcharts')
	->setColors(['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'])
	->setLabels(['One', 'Two', 'Three'])
	->setDataset('Test 1', [1,2,3])
	->setDataset('Test 2', [0,6,0])
	->setDataset('Test 3', [3,4,1]);
  • setDataset(required string $element_label, required array $values)

    	Charts::multi('bar', 'minimalist')
    	            ->setDimensions(0, 500)
    	            ->setColors(['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'])
    	            ->setLabels(['One', 'Two', 'Three'])
    	            ->setDataset('Test 1', [1,2,3])
    	            ->setDataset('Test 2', [0,6,0])
    	            ->setDataset('Test 3', [3,4,1]);

Database Charts

You can also generate database charts with simple setup!

$chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts');

Example data: Example Data

Note: You are required to use a specific group method before rendering the chart!

Important: To work with the GroupByYear, GroupByMonth, GroupByDay, lastByYear, lastByMonth & lastByDay you'll need the column created_at in the data rows.

The available methods are:

  • setData(required mixed $data)

    Setup the data again.

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')->setData(Role::all());
  • setDateColumn(required string $column)

    Set the column to group the data.

    Default: created_at

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')->setDateColumn('my_date_column');
  • setDateFormat(required string $format)

    Set the fancy date format for groupByDay() and lastByDay() function if $fancy set to true, must be called before those function.

    Default: l dS M, Y

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')->setDateFormat('j F y');
  • setMonthFormat(required string $format)

    Set the fancy date format for groupByMonth() and lastByMonth() function if $fancy set to true, must be called before those function.

    Default: F, Y

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')->setDateFormat('F Y');
  • groupBy(required string $column)

    Groups the data based on a column.

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)

    Example GroupBy

  • groupByYear(optional int $years)

    Groups the data based in years.

    Default: $years = 4

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     // to display a number of years behind, pass a int parameter. For example to display the last 10 years:
     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)

    Example GroupByYear

  • groupByMonth(optional string $year, optional boolean $fancy)

    Groups the data in months (if no year set, the current one will be used).

    Default: $year = 7, $fancy = false

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     // to display a specific year, pass the parameter. For example to display the months of 2016 and display a fancy output label:
     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     	->groupByMonth('2016', true);

    Example GroupByYear

  • groupByDay(optional string $month, optional string $year, optional boolean $fancy)

    Groups the data in days (if no year/month set, the current one will be used).

    Default: $month = date('m'), $year = date('Y'), $fancy = false

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     // to display a specific month and/or year, pass the parameters. For example to display the days of september 2016 and display a fancy output label:
     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     	->groupByDay('09', '2016', true);

    Example GroupByYear

  • lastByYear(optional int $number)

    Alias for groupByYear() method. Does the same.

    Default: $number = 4

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     // to display a number of years behind, pass a int parameter. For example to display the last 3 years:
     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)

    Example LastByYear

  • lastByMonth(optional int $number, optional boolean $fancy)

    Display the numbers of months behind (relative to the current date).

    Default: $number = 6, $fancy = false

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     // to display a number of months behind, pass a int parameter. For example to display the last 6 months and use a fancy output:
     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     	->lastByMonth(6, true);

    Example LastByMonth

  • lastByDay(optional int $number, optional boolean $fancy)

    Display the numbers of days behind (relative to the current date).

    Default: $number = 7, $fancy = false

     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     // to display a number of days behind, pass a int parameter. For example to display the last 14 days and use a fancy output:
     $chart = Charts::database(User::all(), 'bar', 'highcharts')
     	->setDimensions(1000, 500)
     	->lastByDay(14, true);

    Example LastByDay

Realtime Charts

Realtime Chart Example

Realtime Charts line area bar pie donut geo gauge temp percentage progressbar
chartjs - - - - - - - - - -
highcharts x x x - - - - - - -
google - - - - - - x - - -
material - - - - - - - - - -
chartist - - - - - - - - - -
fusioncharts - - - - - - - - - -
morris - - - - - - - - - -
plottablejs - - - - - - - - - -
minimalist - - - - - - - - - -
canvas-gauges - - - - - - x x - -
justgage - - - - - - x - x -
progressbarjs - - - - - - - - x x

You can create realtime charts.

Example json:


'value' can be changed to diferent index name with setValueName($string)

$chart = Charts::realtime(url('/path/to/json'), 2000, 'gauge', 'google')
            ->setValues([65, 0, 100])
            ->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])
            ->setTitle("Permissions Chart")
			->setValueName('value'); //This determines the json index for the value

Note: The interval is set in ms

The available methods are:

  • setValueName(required string $string)

    Sets the value json index.

    Default: value

    $chart = Charts::realtime(url('/path/to/json'), 2000, 'gauge', 'google')
    			->setValues([65, 0, 100])
    			->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])
    			->setTitle("Permissions Chart")
    			->setValueName('value'); //This determines the json index for the value
  • setUrl(required string $url)

    Sets the url after chart object creation.

    $chart = Charts::realtime(url('/path/to/json'), 2000, 'gauge', 'google')
    			->setValues([65, 0, 100])
    			->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])
    			->setTitle("Permissions Chart")
  • setInterval(required int $interval)

    Sets the interval after chart object creation (ms).

    $chart = Charts::realtime(url('/path/to/json'), 2000, 'gauge', 'google')
    			->setValues([65, 0, 100])
    			->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])
    			->setTitle("Permissions Chart")
    			->setInterval(3000); // in ms
  • setMaxValues(required int $number)

    Sets the max ammount of values to be seen before removing the first one.

    $chart = Charts::realtime(url('/path/to/json'), 1000, 'area', 'highcharts')
    			->setTitle("Permissions Chart")

Math Functions Charts

You can create math function charts.

Math Functions Example

Charts::math('sin(x)', [0, 10], 0.2, 'line', 'highcharts');

The function is sin(x), the interval is [0, 10] and the x amplitude is 0.2

  • setFunction(required string $function)

    Sets the function.

    Charts::math('sin(x)', [0, 10], 0.2, 'line', 'highcharts')->setFunction('x+1');
  • setInterval(required array $interval)

    Sets the function / chart interval.

     Charts::math('sin(x)', [0, 10], 0.2, 'line', 'highcharts')->setInterval([2, 8]);
  • setAmplitude(required int $amplitude)

    Sets the function amplitude between x points.

     Charts::math('sin(x)', [0, 10], 0.2, 'line', 'highcharts')->setAmplitude(0.5);
  • calculate()

    Calculates the valeus / labels for the chart.

    Note: This function is called every time a modification is made in the chart function, interval or amplitude so you don't need to call it every time you change the values. It's just an auxiliary function.

     Charts::math('sin(x)', [0, 10], 0.2, 'line', 'highcharts')->calculate();

Charts Functions

  • create(optional string $type, optional string $library)

    Returns a new chart instance, if no library is specified, the default one will be used.

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts');
  • database(required mixed $object, optional string $type, optional string $library)

    Returns a new database chart instance that extends the base one.

     Charts::create(User::all(), 'line', 'highcharts');
  • realtime(required string $url, required int $interval, optional string $type, optional string $library)

    Returns a new database chart instance that extends the base one.

     Charts::realtime(url('/json/data'), 2000, 'gauge', 'google')
  • realtime(required string $function, required array $interval, required int $amplitude, optional string $type, optional string $library)

    Returns a new math function chart instance that extends the base one.

     Charts::math('sin(x)', [0, 10], 0.2, 'line', 'highcharts');
  • assets(optional array $libraries)

    Returns all the assets to generate the graphs.

    To output only certain libraries, add an array to it with the libraries you want

     <?php echo Charts::assets(); ?>
     // Using blade
     {!! Charts::assets() !!}
     // Only certain libraries
     {!! Charts::assets(['google', 'chartjs']) !!}
  • libraries(optional string $type)

    Returns an array of all the libraries available (can be filtered).

    // Return all the libraries available
    // Return all the libraries available for the line chart
  • types(optional string $library)

    Returns an array of all the chart types available (can be filtered).

    // Return all the chart types available
    // Return all the chart types available for the highcharts library

Available Chart Settings:

  • setGaugeStyle(required string $style)

    Set the gauge style

    Default: left

    Available options: left right center

     Charts::create('gauge', 'google')->setGaugeStyle('right');
  • setType(required string $type)

    Set the chart type after creation (Example: from line to pie).

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setType('pie');
  • setLibrary(required string $library)

    Set the chart library after creation (Example: from highcharts to google).

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setLibrary('google');
  • setLabels(required array $labels)

    The labels of the chart.

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third']);
  • setValues(required array $values)

    The values of the chart respectively.

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setValues([10, 50, 100]);
  • setElementLabel(required string $element_label)

    The element label for line / bar / geo charts.

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setElementLabel('Total Views');
  • setTitle(required string $title)

    The chart title.

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setTitle('My Chart');
  • setColors(required array $colors)

    The colors of the charts respectively.

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setColors(['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff']);
  • setWidth(required int $width)

    The chart width if non-responsive. 0 = responsive width.

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setWidth(1000);
  • setHeight(required int $height)

    The chart height if non-responsive. 0 = responsive height.

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setHeight(500);
  • setDimensions(required int $width, required int $height)

    The chart dimensions (shortcut to set width, height with one funcion).

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setHeight(1000, 500);
  • setResponsive(required boolean $responsive)

    Set if the chart is responsive or not. If not, the chart dimensions will be used.

    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setResponsive(false);
  • settings()

    Return the chart settings.

    print_r(Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->settings());
  • render()

    Render the chat.

    echo Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')->setLabels(['One', 'Two'])->setValues([10, 20])->render();

    Chart Examples


    Note: highcharts can't change the color of this chart. Well it can but it's complicated, so I leave it here.

    Charts::create('pie', 'highcharts')
    	->setTitle('My nice chart')
    	->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])

    Example Pie

    Donut / Doughnut

    Note: highcharts and chartist can't change the color of this chart. Well they can but it's complicated, so I leave it here.

    Charts::create('donut', 'highcharts')
    	->setTitle('My nice chart')
    	->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])

    Example Donut


    Charts::create('line', 'highcharts')
    	->setTitle('My nice chart')
    	->setElementLabel('My nice label')
    	->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])

    Example Line


    Charts::create('area', 'highcharts')
    	->setTitle('My nice chart')
    	->setElementLabel('My nice label')
    	->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])

    Example Area


    Note: highcharts can't change the color of this chart. Well it can but it's complicated, so I leave it here.

    Charts::create('bar', 'highcharts')
    	->setTitle('My nice chart')
    	->setElementLabel('My nice label')
    	->setLabels(['First', 'Second', 'Third'])

    Example Bar


    Note: The labels must have the country codes, not the name.

    Note 2: To add color to the chart, you'll need to provide an array of at least 2 colors. The first is the min and the second the max.

    Charts::create('geo', 'highcharts')
    	->setTitle('My nice chart')
    	->setElementLabel('My nice label')
    	->setLabels(['ES', 'FR', 'RU'])
    	->setColors(['#C5CAE9', '#283593'])

    Example Geo


    Note: You either need 1 value or 3 following this standar: [actualValue, minValue, maxValue]

    Charts::create('gauge', 'canvas-gauges')
    	->setTitle('My nice chart')
    	->setElementLabel('My nice label')

    Example Gauge


    Note: You either need 1 value or 3 following this standar: [actualValue, minValue, maxValue]

    Charts::create('temp', 'canvas-gauges')
    	->setTitle('My nice chart')
    	->setElementLabel('My nice label')

    Example Temperature


    Note: You either need 1 value or 3 following this standar: [actualValue, minValue, maxValue]

    Charts::create('percentage', 'justgage')
    	->setTitle('My nice chart')
    	->setElementLabel('My nice label')

    Example Percentage


    Note: You either need 1 value or 3 following this standar: [actualValue, minValue, maxValue]

    Charts::create('progressbar', 'progressbarjs')

    Example Progressbar

Extend your way!

You can create your own Charts by forking this repository. The src/Templates folder contains all the current charts, but you can add yours like this:

Create a new file

Create a new file, the syntax is: library.type.php

if your chart library is called: mylib and your template is for the line chart: line Then you create a file like this: mylib.line.php

To call it later, just use:

$chart = Charts::create('line', 'mylib');

You will need to add the CSS / JS to the includes.php file found in the /src folder.

You have plenty of examples to see how to put the data so just take a closer look at all the included templates before doing yours!


Multi-library chart package to create interactive charts using laravel.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 95.2%Language:PHP 4.7%Language:CSS 0.1%