spcl / FPsPIN

An FPGA based PsPIN implementation

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FPsPIN: FPGA Whole-system demo for PsPIN

This is the the FPGA demo of sPIN, the streaming Process-In-Network paradigm. The repo contains the PULP-based version of sPIN, PsPIN PsPIN readme for more information.

The project uses Corundum as the base NIC platform.

This project was started by Pengcheng Xu as a Masters thesis project

Building the hardware

The hardware implementation has been tested on a VCU1525 board with Vivado 2020.2. To build the hardware:

(pwd: project root)
$ source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.2/settings64.sh # change accordingly
$ cd fpga/mqnic/VCU1525/fpga_100g/fpga_pspin
$ make

You will obtain fpga.runs/impl_1/fpga.bit for flashing onto the VCU1525.

Building the software

The software is split into three parts: kernel module, host application, and NIC handler image. The host application and handler image together form a PsPIN application.

Kernel modules

Make sure you have the kernel headers for your running kernel before attempting to build the modules. First, build the Corundum kernel modules for basic NIC functionality:

(pwd: project root)
$ cd fpga/app/pspin/modules/mqnic
$ make
$ sudo make install

You will have mqnic.ko installed in your system.

Then, build the FPsPIN kernel module:

(pwd: project root)
$ cd fpga/app/pspin/modules/mqnic_app_pspin
$ make
$ sudo make install

You will have mqnic_app_pspin.ko installed in your system.

PsPIN application

We provide two demo applications:

  • icmp_ping: implements a responder for the ICMP Ping (Echo) protocol
  • ping_pong: implements a UDP responder that transforms incoming UDP packets and sends it back (e.g. with netcat)

The way to build them is the same. We take icmp_ping as an example:

(pwd: project root)
$ cd fpga/app/pspin/deps/pspin/examples/icmp_ping
$ make # this builds the handler image
$ make host # this builds the host application


The test setup is an AMD64 host desktop/server with Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS and Linux kernel 5.15.0-71-generic. We test the design on a PCIe-attached VCU1525; the JTAG USB cable should be attached to the host for programming the bitstream, and a Direct-Attached-Copper (DAC) cable should connect the two Ethernet ports of the FPGA card, forming a loopback.

First, program the bitstream over Vivado Hardware Manager. Verify that the bitstream is correctly programmed by rescanning the PCIe bus and checking for a new Ethernet controller:

$ sudo bash -c 'echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan'
$ lspci | grep 1234 # this should list a "Ethernet controller"

Next, load the kernel modules mqnic.ko (for the basic NIC functionalities) and mqnic_app_pspin.ko (for the PsPIN cluster in the NIC). Verify by checking for the network interface and device file:

$ sudo depmod -a
$ sudo modprobe mqnic mqnic_app_pspin
$ ip a # should have eth0 and eth1 present
$ ls /dev/pspin0 # should be a character special file

After verifying the previous step, run setup-netns.sh to move the two interfaces to two different network namespaces:

  • eth0 will be in namespace pspin and has the PsPIN cluster attached to it; IP address
  • eth1 will be in namespace bypass; IP address
(pwd: project root)
$ cd fpga/app/pspin/utils
$ sudo ./setup-netns.sh on
Creating pspin namespace...
Creating bypass namespace...
<... output omitted ...>

Now we are ready for testing the application. Start the standard output capture for the cluster in one terminal:

(pwd: fpga/app/pspin/utils)
$ sudo ./cat_stdout.py --dump-files=True
Printing stdout for core 0.0
Dump files: yes

This will display the printf messages from the PsPIN cluster. Next, in a new terminal window, start the host application, which automatically loads the NIC image (we use icmp_ping as an example):

(pwd: fpga/app/pspin/deps/pspin/examples/icmp_ping)
$ sudo host/icmp-ping 0 # runs on the 0th execution context
(* OR *)
$ sudo ./icmp-ping 0 # when testing with prebuilt artifacts; pwd: artifacts/icmp_ping
Host DMA buffer: 32 pages
Mapped host dma at 0x7f0f841e0000
Host DMA physical addr: 0xfffffffffc760000, size: 131072
hh: 0 (size 0)
ph: 0x1d000492 (size 4096)
th: 0 (size 0)
Ruleset MODE_AND:
... 3 @ 0xffff0000 [8000000:8000000]
... 5 @ 0xff [1:1]
... 8 @ 0xff00 [800:800]
... 0 @ 0 [1:0]
Host flags at 0x1c000278

Verify that on the cat_stdout.py terminal window the following message is printed:

HPU (0, 0) hello from hpu_entry

We can now generate the test traffic with ping(8):

$ sudo ip netns exec bypass ping -f -c 100 # flood ping, 100 iterations
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
100 packets transmitted, 100 received, 0% packet loss, time 4ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.031/0.036/0.115/0.013 ms, ipg/ewma 0.043/0.034 ms

Finally, abort the host application by pressing Ctrl+C:

Received SIGINT, exiting...
Sum = 68170, count = 100
Handler cycles average: 681
Unloading cluster...

The ping roundtrip latency is 0.036 ms on average, while the handler processing on the cluster took on average 681 cycles. With the current cluster frequency at 40 MHz, this equals to 0.017 ms of PsPIN processing latency.

UDP ping test instructions

The instructions for testing UDP ping (ping_pong) stays largely the same. The only difference is in generating packets.

With netcat, establish connection and verify that the typed in message will be echoed back:

$ sudo ip netns exec bypass netcat -v -u 45555
Connection to 45555 port [udp/*] succeeded!

With hping, check for latency numbers:

$ sudo ip netns exec bypass hping3 -2 -p 45555 -i u1000 -c 10
HPING (eth1 udp mode set, 28 headers + 0 data bytes
len=46 ip= ttl=64 id=47144 seq=0 rtt=7.9 ms
<... output omitted ...>

--- hping statistic ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.7/4.9/7.9 ms

The UDP ping end-to-end latency is significantly worse than ICMP ping due to latency in the host UDP stack on the tester (bypass NIC).


An FPGA based PsPIN implementation



Language:Verilog 28.9%Language:Rebol 19.3%Language:Python 17.2%Language:Tcl 10.2%Language:C 8.4%Language:SystemVerilog 6.4%Language:Makefile 6.2%Language:C++ 2.7%Language:Stata 0.2%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:R 0.1%Language:M4 0.0%Language:Yacc 0.0%Language:Perl 0.0%Language:BitBake 0.0%Language:TeX 0.0%Language:Assembly 0.0%Language:HTML 0.0%Language:Lua 0.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:CSS 0.0%Language:Jinja 0.0%Language:Lex 0.0%Language:sed 0.0%