spatie / opening-hours

Query and format a set of opening hours

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Timezone not working

Atnaize opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to setup the timezone when creating my OpeningHours object.

So I have this

            'monday'     => ['08:00-18:30'],
            'timezone' => [ new DateTimeZone("Europe/Brussels") ],

Which is is mentioned here (

But I have the following error

Day `timezone` isn't a valid day name. Valid day names are lowercase english words, e.g. `monday`, `thursday`.

This error is coming from Spatie\OpeningHours\Exceptions\InvalidDayName\invalidDayName. Is it normal?

Or maybe I didn't understood that well how to setup the timezone?



Timezone is a parameter of the create() method:

It's not part of the array-definition of hours, here is an example:

$hours = \Spatie\OpeningHours\OpeningHours::create([
  'monday' => ['08:00-18:30'],
], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

var_dump($hours->isOpenAt(new DateTime('2019-12-09 19:00', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Brussels'))));
// true in UTC

$hours = \Spatie\OpeningHours\OpeningHours::create([
  'monday' => ['08:00-18:30'],
], new DateTimeZone('Europe/Brussels'));

var_dump($hours->isOpenAt(new DateTime('2019-12-09 19:00', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Brussels'))));
// false in Brussels
