spatialaudio / portaudio-binaries

Pre-compiled shared libraries for PortAudio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PortAudio revision

pracucci opened this issue · comments

I suggest you to add the revision number of the PortAudio sources you compiled. I guess it's the SVN rev 1919 but I'm not 100% sure just looking at

Thanks for the hint, can you please have a look at #2?

The PortAudio version can be found here:, it was (and I think still is) v19_20140130, which seems to be the latest "official" release, right?

Whenever (if ever?) there's a new PortAudio release, I'll wait for MXE to catch up and then I'll create new binaries.

Ok thanks for the update. IMO would be easier if you simply specify v19_20140130 in the (just an hint).

You're right, I added the info.