sparkfun / SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub_Library

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Compile Errors for Example3_modify_AGC_Algo

SFEMark opened this issue · comments

A user on the forum brought up this issue with several typos in Example 3. Here is the list of the errors with fixes:

  • L65: int error = bioHub.setAlgoRange(algoRange));
  • L86: int algoVal = bioHub.readAlgoRange());
  • L90 int stepVal = bioHub.readAlgoStepSize());
  • L94 int senVal = bioHub.readAlgoSensitivity());
  • L98 int sampVal = bioHub.readAlgoSamples());

All of these lines just have one extra bracket after the function call. Editing to remove the extra bracket is all that is needed.

  • L103 error = configBpm(MODE_ONE);

This does not have a call to bioHub prior to the configBpm function. Modifying to bioHub.configBpm(MODE_ONE); fixes the error.

Can we get this example updated and, if necessary, push a new version of the library with these fixes? Thanks!