sparkfun / SparkFun_ACS37800_Power_Monitor_Arduino_Library

An Arduino Library for the Allegro MicroSystems ACS37800 power monitoring IC

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DIO0 Zero Cross SquareWave Output Error

alipasaoksuz opened this issue · comments


I working on ACS37800KMACTR-090B3-I2C with Arduino Uno for I2C reading. DIO0 and DIO1 pins use for I2C address selection. In my board 3 ACS37800 succesfully worked I2C address selection, current and voltage reading. But ı need help for DIO0 Zero Cross Output.

I configured eeprom like this. 17:squarewave_en and 19:zerocrossedgesel set 1 for DIO0 ZC output. But in my DIO0 osscilope graph, ı see ac signal wave. Shouldn't I see a square wave? Can you help me what is it that I miss?

Have a good day :)

Hi @alipasaoksuz ,

I've never used the zero-crossing feature. But, looking at the datasheet, I see that it supports pulse mode and square wave mode. It looks like you have the chip configured correctly for square wave mode on the voltage channel (zerocrosschansel = 0).

Please check you have your scope probe grounded correctly - to the ACS37800 GND pad. Be very careful with your GND paths and common-mode voltages, especially if you are using multiple chips with AC power.

Best wishes,