spadgos / sublime-jsdocs

Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, Actionscript, C & C++

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Support for PowerShell

lipkau opened this issue · comments

Hi there.

I tried playing around and add PowerShell to the supported languages, but I ended up failed (with my limited python knowledge).
Would it be able to add PowerShell to this repo? I am not sure, as the syntax is quite different (example bellow).
Maybe you could give me some pointers and tips, so that I can add this functionality myself.

Here is an example:

function Set-Foo
            Lorem ipsum

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet



            c:\> Set-Foo "Hello World"
            Example 1

            c:\> Set-Foo "Hello World" 10
            Example 2
    [OutputType([bool])] #Can be an array of possible return types OutputType([bool],[int])
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]



    #do some stuff
    if ($ok) return $true
    else {return $false}

I am currently using a snippet as DocBlock. However, it would be nice if some stuff (.INPUTS and .OUTPUTS) could be populated automatically.

I appreciate any help