spacenation / swiftui-grid

:rocket: SwiftUI Grid layout with custom styles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Scroll both vertically and horizontally same time

joshuazmiller opened this issue · comments


How difficult would it be to make this library be able to scroll both vertically and horizontally at the same time? I think this functionality would bring the library to another level at least for my application. Would this be overly difficult to accomplish? I would contribute to that if you think it seems doable/desirable feature @ay42

@joshuazmiller Let me try to add this example to the demo app. It might be possible without any modifications. I'll let you know how it goes.


Thank you @ay42 !

@joshuazmiller is the size of the scrollable content known before layout in your use case? or it grows dynamically in one direction?


@ay42 in my case it wouldn't grow based on user input, rather it's based on a list of items retrieved from a shared database