spaceman-dev / Chat-Application

Realtime Chat Application with React, Nodejs and

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Realtime Chat Application

The site

This is the repository made via a tutorial whose link is - Build and Deploy a Realtime Chat Application -, Node.js, and React.js - JavaScript Mastery


  1. npx create-react-app client
  2. cd client && npm install --save react-router react-scroll-to-bottom react-emoji query-string
  3. Create another directory named 'server'
  4. cd server && npm init -y
  5. npm install --save cors nodemon express

Client Side

  1. Remove all unnecessary files in client/src folder and create index.js and App.js. Copy the code
  2. In client/src/components, copy all the components found
  3. Components include
    • Join
    • Chat
    • Input
    • Infobar
    • Messages and Message
    • TextContainer

Server Side

  1. In server create index.js, router.js and users.js
  2. Copy the code


  1. Login to Heroku and Netlify. Download Heroku cli and Netlify cli
  2. Create a new Heroku app
  3. In server folder do the following -
    git init heroku git:remote -a heroku-app-name git add . git commit -m "commit message" git push heroku master
  4. Copy the heroku app server website link and paste it in client/src/components/Chat/Chat.js as const ENDPOINT = 'https://link';
  5. cd ../client && npm run build netlify deploy
  6. Make Publish Directory as ./build
  7. netlify deploy --prod and your react chat application is deployed successfully!!

Alternatively Setup:

npm i && npm start for both client and server sude to start the development server


Realtime Chat Application with React, Nodejs and


Language:JavaScript 60.7%Language:CSS 27.5%Language:HTML 11.8%