spacehamster / KingmakerTurnbasedCombatFix

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Move action eaten after attacking (weirdly sidelong nerf to characters with multiple attacks)

MangledMouse opened this issue · comments

Characters that begin a full attack on a target and kill it with the first attack do not get their move action back. This is a deviation from RTwP, PnP and Turn Based mod implementation. It makes the strange situation of a character with a single attack better in situations where they make an attack that is likely to kill a target, since they will be able to move after and multi attack characters will not.

Original note: If a character can do a full attack (multiple attacks per round), but kill a foe with the first attack, technically that first attack should count as a standard action. Assuming the character did not take a 5 foot step earlier, the character should be able to either 5 foot step or have a move action afterward. I notice that my character's turn ended immediately after doing the first attack in a full attack after killing a foe.