spacehamster / KingmakerTurnbasedCombatFix

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Turn based mode doesn't let players pause

MangledMouse opened this issue · comments

While it seems like that wouldn't be an issue in a turn based version of the game it carries a few issues. Among them,
-If your character is moving and you realize you don't want to go to that spot exactly, pause will be the intuitive button to press to make sure you can survey the situation. Hold position is the button you maybe want there but pause is the button you'd reach for in RTwP and its the space bar instead of a middle keyboard key you very rarely use. Having that eat your turn is double frustrating.
-Players cannot pause mid full attack after an attack killed something to consider what to reselect as a target for the rest of the full attack
-Being sure that inputs will not do anything while in combat is valuable sometimes. If you are unsure on a hotkey or want to be able to click someplace without unintentionally moving especially since you can't pause once the move starts (again hold position solves this problem mostly but not entirely)
-When you want to check a specific attack in the log before other actions bury it.
-Having "pause on trap detected" makes for weird behavior in combat when the pause key skips your turn. This is more an issue about unpausing. This seems a reasonable place to log it