soveran / scrivener

Validation frontend for models.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Warning due to splat operator with ruby 2.7

Juanmcuello opened this issue · comments

When using validate with keywords arguments, ruby 2.7 shows a warning:

  def validate(available_articles:)
    # ..
scrivener/lib/scrivener/validations.rb:72: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call

This is due to valid? method definition using the splat operator when forwarding arguments to validate:

def valid?(*args)
  # ...
  # ...

This could be fixed using the double splat, as suggested by the warning message, but that wouldn't allow the use of positional parameters in validate definition.

I think that adding an extra parameter to the valid? definition should work for all cases:

def valid?(*args, **kargs)
  # ..
  validate(*args, **kargs)
  # ..

Of course, this would break compatibility with ruby 1.9 (not sure about ruby 2.0), but I don't think that version is intended to be supported.

It that makes sense, I could crate a PR with the proposal.

It makes perfect sense! Send the pull request and we can release a new version.
