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Collections/references don't work in modules

ProjectMoon opened this issue · comments

This code causes an uninitialized constant error when run: ``const_get': uninitialized constant MyModule::Model1::Model2 (NameError)`. Everything works as intended if you remove the modules wrapping the models.

require 'ohm'

module MyModule
  class Model1 < Ohm::Model
    attribute :name
    index :name
    collection :model2_collection, :Model2

  class Model2 < Ohm::Model
    reference :model1, :Model1 # has-a
    reference :model3, :Model3 # belongs-to
    attribute :thing

  class Model3 < Ohm::Model
    collection :model2_collection, :Model2

m1 = MyModule::Model1.create(name: 'MyModel')
m3 = MyModule::Model3.create
m2 = MyModule::Model2.create(thing: 'thingy', model1: m1, model3: m3)

m3 = MyModule::Model3[1]
m1 = MyModule::Model1[1]

puts m1.model2_collection.size
puts m1.model2_collection.each { |m| puts m.thing }

puts m3.model2_collection.size
puts m3.model2_collection[0].nil?

I did find a reference and possible fix to this bug on Google groups:!msg/ohm-ruby/dEDl9LavbVc/zE8wFunFalsJ

A possible solution to this in Utils.const might be to fall back to the enclosing module of the class by parsing the full class name and using Object.const_get, then try loading the class off that module, and then if that fails, throw an error.

The traditional solution for this is to qualify the class by including the module's name. For example, you would use reference :model1, 'MyModule::Model1' instead of just reference :model1, :Model1. Check this example in the tests.

I did actually try screwing around with something like that, although I was using symbols instead. I tried :"MyModule::Model1", which produced a similar error. Maybe the simplest solution to this is simply to update the documentation (both API and quickstart)?

I do think it would be good to have a bit of magic going on to find the module though. String values aren't able to be caught as easily as an uninitialized module. The interpreter will throw a much more sensible error if you try to reference a non-existing module rather than if Ohm tries to use a string it can't find.

I added an explanation about how to work with modules:

Closing this issue for the time being, but let me know if you find it insuficient.